Celebrations abound.

Today we celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We wore read, white and blue to start the celebrations before learning all about the Queen’s long reign.

We looked at how life has changed during her reign and what important events have taken place during her lifetime. Then we drew pictures of the Queen in the style of Andy Warhol’s pop art.


We also celebrated coming second in the door decorating competition, with our British tea party invitation to the people of the Commonwealth.


Later on, we played ‘place the crown on the Queen’s head’ and ‘pin the tail to the corgi’, as well as having a few more hotly contested marble games. Huge thanks to the kitchen staff, who provided us all with a decorated biscuit to celebrate.



Homework – just keep up to date with times tables, Y5/6 spellings and reading.

P.E. kits will be needed on the first Monday back (6th June).

Please remember to hand in Chichester Harbour slips and/ or pay on Scopay.

Have a restful half term,

The Year 5 Team

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