Superheroes and Super Minibeasts

This week, in English, children have started a new unit based on Superheroes. They have used a range of persuasive language including persuasive sentence openers and detailed reason to persuade the reader to agree with their point of view. Children have started to divide using their multiplication factors and estimate in division problems.  Next week they will begin to apply their grouping knowledge to solve problems and extend division facts.

For Science this week we have begun our habitat/environment study this week which we will continue through the year. It amazes us to see children continually be excited about being excited about being outside in nature exploring wildlife. Through play, exploration, talk and sheer joy, they talk about cause and effect of animal habitats and scientifically reason why this happens. A blessing for teachers to see this learning taking place and experiences that stay with the children.


Home Learning:

The yellow Home Reading Journal was returned last week so the children could write a review of the book they are reading/ a book they have read. This was due Thursday 15th October.  If the book review was not returned this week, could children review a book/part of a book for Thursday 22nd October. Parents will need to sign off book reviews to show that children have completed the review task and have spoken about what has happened in the book, favourite parts/characters etc.

In their red Homework Book children have weekly vocabulary and maths home learning they are expected to complete. MyMaths login details have been given to children in order to complete the tasks this week. Please ensure children practise times tables at least 10 minutes a day. We will be testing times tables weekly from next week to ensure children maintain a quick recall to help with their mental and formal calculations.

Please find as many opportunities as possible, as a family, to explore the vocab words sent home this week so the children will be able to apply them to our new guided reading unit based on poetry. Maths and Vocab home learning is due Thursday 22nd October. 

Vocabulary homework:

consequences   gouged    grasp     scooped      clattered


You need to find the meanings of these words that are part of this poem.


As part of an individual choice of home learning, they also have their creative homework task ideas for the autumn term– one piece should be completed each half term. As the first half term is nearing next week, children should have completed one piece of home learning of their choice to share after half term.

Reading Passport and Year 5 Must Reads:

Keep up the great work with reading the books from the reading passport. The children who complete their passport will be put into a draw for the chance to see Pinocchio at the theatre. Also, the class with the most completed entries get to have a complete afternoon of sport with CM Sports. It’s all to play for!!!

As we are coming to the end of the first half term, the children should have been able to read or be read to one of the year group must reads. This is important for Year 5 children to hear quality vocabulary that they will be exposed to in upper primary school to also to prepare them for secondary school.


** Reminders – it’s week 1 next week which means PE lessons will be on  Wednesday 21st October.  Children should come to school wearing their PE kit.

‘Evacuation Day’ on Thursday 12th November. We are asking children to come to school dressed as an evacuee on that day.


As the weather begins to turn colder and wetter, please remember children will need a coat to keep warm and dry. Water bottles should be available in the classroom so if a water bottle is provided in the lunchbox then it should be available in the classroom in the afternoon. Breaktime snacks will be kept in the classroom until breaktime so could they be kept separately from lunchboxes so children can unpack easily in the morning as they will not be able to access lunchboxes until lunchtime.


Have a wonderful weekend,

The Year 5 team.


P.S The secret password is nemesis. 

Which class will have the most passwords on Monday?


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