This week in maths the children have been looking at converting measures (in particular grams to kilograms, millilitres to litres and metres to kilometres) by multiplying or dividing by 1000. They have also looked at solving word problems with measures that needed converting. If possible, please could the children look at packaging at home and practise converting measures?
In English, Year 5 have used planning to complete the Pandora persuasive leaflets. They have also worked on editing their own work and that of others’ in the class before completing an evaluative success criteria. Most children have begun to write their leaflet into presentation format.
On Tuesday it is the Year 5 and 6 Mass at school. It starts at 10:30, we hope you can join us in this celebration.
During Celebration Assembly this week, Isla Brown (5E) received the golden key award for her commitment to learning and her perseverance. Ben Lymer (5E) has his writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Henry Stunt (5CW) received the golden key award for managing distractions really well and having excellent manners. Jacob Kurowski has his writing on the showstopper writing wall.