Friday 18th January, 2019

This week we have been continuing to apply our skills of persuasive writing as we prepare to write our tourist leaflets encouraging people to visit Pandora.

In maths, we have been finding fractions of amounts and applying this to solving word problems. Next week we will be converting measures, focusing particularly on measures with a conversion rate of 1000.

5CW have had their first swimming session which went really well. Their behaviour was a credit to the school and they enjoyed it a lot.

In golden key assembly Hayden Shaw (5E) received the key for being a happy, helpful member of the class, who always tries his hardest. Tilly Groves received the showstopper writer and Sihanua Sumba got mathemagian of the month. In 5CW, Faith Williams received the key for being a good friend to others. Showstopper writer was Amelia Ingram.

Have a super weekend,

Year 5 team

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