Pea Shoot Salad!

You may not believe it when we tell you that your children have enjoyed eating salad today!

This afternoon, as part of our Science learning, we have tasted our own home-grown pea shoots. All the pupils had a go eating this delicacy and wonderfully very few did not enjoy the experience.

We look forward to tasting the actual peas towards the end of the term.

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Next week is our Phonics Screening Check so please hear your child read over the weekend. Please ensure your child is well rested ready for the following week. We have not set any additional homework this weekend so you can focus on reading with your child.

Enjoy St Peters Fest tonight 🙂


More Marwell photos

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We hope the weather continues to be glorious for your half term Year One. Stay safe in the sun and enjoy your break you have worked very hard this term.

Love the Year One team

Marwell Fun!

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We had the most amazing day at Marwell Zoo on Friday! All the pupils were impeccably well behaved and made our  whole school community very proud indeed. In addition to exploring the zoo, we took part in a workshop led by the zoo’s own education team. As part of the Fur, Feathers and Scales workshop, the pupils we able to touch a snake. Thank you for taking the time to send your children in prepared for the day with sun hats, waterproofs and all the many items needed for you visit.


This weeks learning

In Numeracy, we have been continuing to learn to count in 5s. We have linked this to capacity this week. We have been investigating how many teaspoons would fill different jugs as a teaspoon holds 5ml of water.


We have been very lucky that the sunshine has allowed us to continue our learning outside this week too.

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Reminder- the trip to Marwell zoo is next week the 18th May. Please can we have all reply slips for the trip back as soon as possible. If you have offered to help on the trip please look for a note in your child’s diary. Thank you

Time to grow

As you know, our topic this term is ‘The amazing outdoors’ we have begun planting our seeds to watch them grow across the term. We will measure water  into different containers in maths next week to water our growing flowers. We are also praying for some sunshine to help our flowers grow!

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Welcome back

Hope you all had a lovely and well rested Easter. We have a short term this term so have lots to fit in! We have started our new topic ‘the amazing outdoors’. This week we have been sorting packets of seeds into 5s- we are very good at our 5 X table now- please practice at home to keep it up!

In English we have been reading Julia Donaldson- What the lady bird heard, we have focused on the characters the robbers, using adjectives to describe them. There were rumours they may be coming in to school next week to see us, so we have written questions to ask them, such as-

Why did you not just buy a cow? Have you always been robbers? How did you know the prize cow was there? Have you learnt your lesson now?

As we enter the month of May, Mary will be a focus of our worship and RE lessons. If children wish to produce homelearning around Mary, that would be wonderful. The internet has lots of lovely activities they could do.

Date for your diaries-  we have a trip to Marwell zoo booked- Thursday 18th May. A letter will be out shortly, stating all the details. If you are able to attend as a parent helper and have been CRB checked through the school, please let us know.

Happy Easter



The whole of the Year One team wish you all a restful and fun-filled Easter holiday. Please keep up with the reading, phonics and maths so that we are ready for the Summer Term.

Attached below is the Home Learning Adventure Pyramid for our new topic, The Great Outdoors for when we return. With the beautiful Spring weather that is forecast, some activities can be completed over the break.


Please click on link to enlarge:

The Amazing Outdoors HL pyramid


Click below for our weekly prayer newsletter.

prayer diary



This weeks Home Learning


Please practice these specific words. They have become a whole year group focus as they are often spelt incorrectly in pupils books.









Please practice using these words in sentences.

Join us in prayer


This week’s payer is available below.



weekly prayer 31st March



Spring is here!

After lots of rain and dark days, Spring has finally started to show. It’s time for Year One to make use of the fantastic secret garden.

Learning phonics outside in the sunshine makes learning far more enjoyable.

Children love making trails of sounds using the sound mats- jumping on each one,  saying each sound as they jump.

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Today we have also had the pleasure of Grace’s Grandma come in to share with Year One some very special and wonderful toys. Some of the toys were created in 1851! What an experience to see so closely such old and precious toys, we are very thankful for the opportunity.

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