
We started the week with a wonderful liturgy in Year One, attended by so many family members and Father Jeremy. It was lovely to come together to worship and celebrate God’s creation. The children came together to make different parts of the world. Then they made a pledge about how they would continue to care for God’s creation for example watering the plants or picking up any rubbish from the floor. Thank you for everyone who was able to attend. Below are some pictures for you all to enjoy.

As you know we have had Ofsted in this week. As a team we are so proud of the children in Year One. Their behaviour, learning and attitudes are a credit to you all.

Well done Turtles and Puffer fish, have a well deserved break this weekend.

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Another week in Year One

We have had another fantastic week of learning in Year One.

We are currently reading Harry and his bucket full of dinosaurs, we love it! Mrs Layton’a dinosaurs have been listening to the story and have been hiding themselves around the classroom- have you spotted any Year One?

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the welcome meeting on Tuesday, it was lovely to meet you all. If you were unable to attend we have provided your child with a print out of the presentation. If you need another copy please just ask.


Inset day- tomorrow 22.9.17

Liturgy- 10:20 start in the school hall on Tuesday 26th September. If you are unable to attend, we will ensure to put pictures on the blog for you all to look at with your child.

Have a lovely weekend

The year one Team

Our learning this week

We have really enjoyed our new topic of dinosaurs this week, it all started when we walked in to the classroom on Monday morning to find dinosaur footprints on the floor! We then went on a dinosaur hunt to go and find the dinosaur that had left the prints! We’ve even created our own species of dinosaur in English- cutting up our favorite parts of different dinosaurs and giving it it’s own name.

In maths this week we have been focusing on one more and one less than a number. We have managed to dodge the rain and get outside for maths learning in the secret garden.

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Tuesday 19th September is the Year One welcome meeting at 3:30.

Tuesday 26th September- Year One liturgy in the hall at 10:20 with Father Jeremy.


The Year One welcome meeting will be on Tuesday 19th September at 3:30 in turtle class. All parents and guardians are welcome to attend to find out key information for the year ahead.

Hope to see as many of you there as possible. If you are unable to attend we will send your child home with a print out of the powerpoint.

The Year One team

Welcome to Year One

What a fantastic first week in Year One Turtles and Pufferfish! You have certainly grown up over the summer and have proved to us you are ready for learning.

This week we have been learning about our class animals to get settled in. As of next week we will move on to our full topic which is DINOSAURS! We have fantastic learning planned for the next coming weeks such as making our own dinosaur bones, making nests for dinosaur eggs and even going on a dinosaur hunt!

Homework diaries will be in the children’s book bags, please read the first ten pages of the diary and the last couple of pages, these have very important and key information on. Our homework focus for the next couple of weeks will be reading. We have been assessing children’s levels this week, which will continue in to next week to ensure all children have a reading book to take home. It is vital that the children read as often as possible in Year One.

Look out for photos next week of wonderful dinosaur learning.

The year one team



What a year it has been Year One. We are honoured to have taught such a wonderful and bubbly bunch of children. You have grown so much over the year and we feel very lucky to have been a part of that.

Huge good luck and goodbye to our wonderful team member Mrs Evans. We have persuaded her to come back for reading and school trips- yay! So it will not be goodbye forever.

Thank you for all of your wonderful cards/ presents and thanks, it really is appreciated. Have a wonderful and safe summer, you deserve a rest from working so extremely hard Year one.

Good luck for Year Two!

The Year One team

Nearly there…

Another wonderful week of learning in Year One is coming to an end.

REMINDER- tomorrow the children will be spending the whole day in their new classes. They will line up at the gates on the south playground like they would in Year Two and will be taken by Mrs Osbourne and Miss Allen up to the Year Two classes. Children dropped to the north playground will be led down by a teacher to the class rooms as well.

We hope you have a fantastic day in Year 2 everyone!

Not long to go now Turtles and Pufferfish, keep up the fab work.

New Beginnings

We have had a very exciting morning this morning. We have begun our journey in to Year Two! We can’t believe how fast this year has gone but everyone really enjoyed their morning with their new teacher all the way in red phase. The children will get to know their teacher more on Monday 10th July and Friday 14th July.

We are loving learning about London. Creating 3D London landmarks and maps of London to learning about the great fire of London and Samuel Pepys diary.

Did you know Paddington Bear LOVES marmalade sandwiches? Well in maths, we have been focusing on halves and quarters.  We made him sandwiches, cutting them up in to halves and quarters for him. However we may have eaten them before Paddington got a look in!


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Red hot learning

We are so impressed with the learning Year One continued to do even in the scorching temperatures last week- there was no stopping them! What fantastic learners you are. You deserved those extra long breaks in the shade with plenty of water. Although it is not as sunny as last week, please continue to bring in sunglasses, hats, suncream and especially water bottles in to school.

Tomorrow, Tuesday 26th June is sports day. Children are to come in in their sports wear. The house teams and colours are written on the classroom window if you need to check. Children will need to wear a t-shirt the same colour as their team. Again- please provide appropriate outdoor gear and water bottles. We still have children not bringing them into school- it is much easier for children to get enough to drink throughout the day if they have a water bottle rather than cups of water, thank you.

Another reminder- this Friday 30th June is an inset day, we hope it is nice weather for you all to enjoy a long weekend!

Lovely London

Next week we start our new learning topic on London. We are going to focus on London as our wonderful capital city before moving onto the diaries of Samuel Pepys. We will continue to pray for those affected by recent tragedies in London during our times of worship together and celebrate the cultural diversity found there.  Below is a digital copy of our Home Learning Pyramid which the children will be sent home with.

picture home learning pyramid