
In Maths we were learning that 10 1p coins is the same as 1 10p coin by playing the exchange game.

When the children were not working with an adult they were making amounts with 1p coins, making amounts with 10p coins to practise counting in 10s, paying for things in a shop.

The children also learnt how to use a mouse and keyboard. They drew a picture in paint learning how to click and drag the mouse as well as typing their names.

The wolf came to visit!

The children have been looking at the story Little Red Riding Hood.

We discussed how unkind the wolf had been in the story and he then appeared in the classroom to explain to the children that it was all untrue!

The children then learnt some new vocabulary and acted out what each word meant to show their understanding. This will then be used in their writing in the coming weeks.

Longdown Dairy Farm

World Book Day

Puppet Making!

Year 1 have been making puppets. We had to plan and design our puppets and then learn how to stitch them together. Thank you to all the adults who came in to help us.

Money money money


In year 1 we have been learning to make different amounts in 1p coins.

In Science we have been learning about ourselves! We have had a visit from a nurse who helped us to find out how to keep ourselves healthy. We have also been looking at the similarities and differences between ourselves and our friends.

Our longitudinal study

A visit from Hampshire Fire Service

We are learning to count in 5’s