Year One learning

Another busy week in Year One!

We have started our dinosaur topic and we love it! Some of our dinosaurs escaped on to the playground! So we had to go on a dinosaur hunt to collect them all up. We have been labelling the dinosaurs using the sounds we know and we have even created our own dinosaur. Next week we will start reading Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs – he may even pay us a visit.

In maths we have been counting dinosaur poo! We are focusing on more and less with number. The naughty dinosaurs also rubbed out some of the numbers on the number line, so we had to work out what numbers were missing. Next week we will be moving on to specifically one more and one less of a number.

On Monday we went to the field and built dinosaur dens.

Have a lovely weekend

The Year One team




wow, what a fantastic start to Year One! We are so impressed with how quickly the children have settled to their learning and adapted to their new environment. Above are some pictures to show what we have been up to.

Next week we will be beginning our dinosaur topic, any donations of plastic dinosaurs would be greatly received.

Reminder- next Tuesday 11th September at 3.30 we will host a welcome meeting in the classroom. Please go to the office at the end of the day and go through that way. We understand that not everyone will be available at this time, so if you are unable to attend we will provide a print out of the information from the meeting.

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Year One Team

Pleaseeee Mr Cunningham!

We emailed Mr Cunningham on Friday to ask him if we would be able to watch Paddington bear the movie as we have started to learn all about him. We received an email back on Monday and it’s not good news…


Dear Year 1

I am very concerned that you want to watch Paddington at the end of the year.

You may not watch the film!

I absolutely hate bears, in fact I have arkoudaphobia

Paddington is a horrible little bear with rough, brown fur all over his flea ridden body.

He wears a huge red hat and a silly blue coat, how ridiculous for a bear to wear clothes.

He comes from the deepest, darkest Peru, goodness knows where that is or what disgusting germs he might have.

He is ridiculous! Why would anyone travel to busy, bustling London without making proper arrangements about where to stay?

Marmalade sandwiches are revolting! Yucky. It can’t be healthy to eat sweet, sugary marmalade sandwiches every day. He doesn’t even keep them in a cool bag!

Unless you can convince me otherwise, you may NOT watch the film!

Mr Cunningham


We feel Mr Cunningham has completely the wrong impression of poor Paddington bear. It has been our task this week to find out all the true facts about Paddington and prove to him he is in fact a lovely, kind bear. Fingers crossed our writing is persuasive enough to convince him to let us watch the film.

In maths we have been using various coins to buy marmalade and bread for Paddington as this is his favourite food! Next week we will be making marmalade sandwiches and cutting them in to halves and quarters. We will then be exploring the amount of sandwiches Paddington eats and splitting them in to halves for lunch and dinner.

Enjoy the football on Saturday!

The year one team

Thank you fire fighters!

Thanks to our fire fighters for inspiring us and giving us so much information on Friday. We have used this for some fantastic learning this week.

In literacy we have been creating our own fire safety posters, using all of the key facts we have learnt from the fire fighters and from non-fiction books. Look out for our fire safety posters around the school.

In maths we found that the fire fighters had left pieces of their hose pipe all over the playground! So we decided to collect is all up, measure and compare the different lengths. We used rulers and tape measures and even multilink to measure the different pieces.

Next week we will be introducing Paddington bear to our learning. In English we will be exploring what he is like as a character, what he looks like and his personality.

In maths we will be exploring money with Paddington as he goes on adventures around London- paying for the many attractions he would like to see.

Enjoy the sunshine over the weekend,

The Year One team


More photos!

The experts have arrived

wow, what a day we have had! As promised, we asked the experts to come in and help us kick off our learning about the great fire of London! We learnt about the uniform the fire fighters need to have to stay safe. We learnt new rhymes to help us remember to stay safe in different fire situations. We went on the fire engine, some of the children even drove it! We also put out a pretend fire with a real hose and squirt each other too! It was so much fun! Thank you to Hampshire fire and rescue service for a fantastic day!

New term, new topic

Our final topic for the year is…. LONDON!

We will be finding out about the Great Fire of London and Samuel Pepys diary. We will also be exploring fire safety (perhaps we may get some experts in to help us) and of course Paddington Bear will feature in our learning.

Today has been a particularly fun learning day! It was STEM day. So we investigated and explored the conditions that plants need to grow. As part of our science learning, the children had the opportunity to go on a plant hunt and plant a pea seed. We will be observing our growing plants over the next few weeks.

Have a lovely and safe weekend

The Year One team

What a wonderful day at the zoo!


What a wonderful trip to Marwell zoo! We were so lucky to see so many of the amazing animals. Look at how close the leopard came to us! Our workshop made us even closer to the animals- we held a snake and a rat! A lovely way to end the half term and our topic the great outdoors.

We have sent home a phonics worksheet pack that the children may want to do over the half term in preparation for phonics screening the second week back after half term.

Have a lovely break

The Year One team


Another busy week

Lots of fantastic learning has taken place this week as usual in Year One.

In maths we have been learning to use positional language. Below is a link to a song we have used to help us learn and have found particularly funny!

Next week we will be moving on to 3D shapes. We will be making models using 3D shapes at the end of the week. Any clean recycling- boxes, tubes, pringles tins, pyramids etc that you have at home that we can use for our models please bring them in over the course of next week, thank you.

In English we will be writing a recount of our trip to Marwell on Monday. We will be using time connectives such as next, after that, then etc.

It is looking like changeable weather for our trip on Monday, please make sure your child is in the most appropriate school uniform for the temperature of the day, hats if sunny, coats if wet and put sun cream on in the morning if needed. We will not be able to take sun cream with us but an application in the morning will last well. Remember your children will also be provided with a school packed lunch and drinks so water bottles will not be required for the trip.

We are really looking forward to our trip on Monday, thank you to all of the adults who volunteered to help us. We were overwhelmed with how many volunteers we had. We will put lots of pictures up here next week so you can see what we got up to.

Have a lovely weekend

The year One team

Our learning this week

We have really enjoyed our learning this week! Continuing our work on what the lady bird heard. In English we have been writing noun phrases to describe the robbers. Next week we will be putting ourselves in to the robbers shoes and writing a sorry letter to the farm for trying to steal the fine prize cow.

In maths, we have been continuing to count in 5s. We have been buying various vegetables and gardening tools for the secret garden, counting in 5p coins. We have been using arrays to show our working out. Below is an example.


Reminder- Tuesday 8th May at 10:15 is our Year One liturgy- all are welcome to join us in worship.

We have sent out letters for our upcoming trip to Marwell zoo on Monday 21st May. Please ensure you reply with permission for your child.

It’s looking like a lovely (maybe hot) bank holiday weekend! Enjoy and stay safe.

The Year One team