A tale to tell

Welcome back! After a lovely 2 week break it is great to have everyone back in to school and straight in to their learning. We have started our new topic ‘a tale to tell’ based around fairytales.

In maths we have launched a LEGO competition! Over the holidays Miss Shaw and Mrs Layton built their own lego houses. The children have guessed how many bricks they think we used. Whoever has the closest guess will win a lego prize! We have been learning to count in 2s to help us count the bricks quicker. When we have learnt how to count in 2s we will reveal the winner! Ask your children to show you a bar model and a part part whole model and get them to explain how it works.

In English we have started our new text- the three little pigs. We have been retelling the story, remembering the well known key phrases. Next week we will begin to rewrite the story.

Date for your diary- Tuesday 5th February at 10:00 will be our liturgy. All family members welcome.

Have a restful weekend after a busy first week back!

The Year One Team

Christmas jumper day

We have loved Christmas jumper day today- who knew there were so many different types of jumpers!

Thank you for all of your support with the nativity this week, it was lovely to see you all. Photographs will be posted next week!

Have a lovely weekend

The Year One team

Christmas is coming…

Another wonderful week in Year One is coming to an end. Meaning Nativity is just around the corner!

Our performances are Monday morning and Tuesday afternoon next week and you must have a ticket to attend. Thank you for all of your support with the nativity, all tickets are now allocated.

We are having a final rehearsal this Friday, so please ensure all costumes are in tomorrow. If you are still struggling with costumes, please let us know so we can help sort this asap. We are looking forward to seeing you all and showing you how hard the children have worked on the performance.

In English this week, Mr Crozier has asked us if we could write a Christmas poem that we could perform on the stage. We jumped at the chance! Our poems are being written over the next week and we will be performing them the week after.

Maths started with a visitor on Monday- the naughty Hare! Miss Shaw and Mrs Layton had their backs turned when the naughty Hare came in to the classroom and stole some of our carrots! So we have used this to help us learn the meaning of ‘taking away’ and how that looks in maths.

Thank you to everyone who walked with us to the church on Tuesday, we are so grateful. We hope your leg have recovered!

Have a lovely weekend, see you next week.

The Year One team

Christmas is coming…

Nativity practice has started this week, it is really starting to come together already, it is not easy to organise and plan 120 children!
Costume letters have been sent out to inform you of your child’s role. If you do not have this letter please let us know. Please do not feel the need to go out and buy new costumes, use items from home, borrow from friends, wear a glittery party dress for a star (for example) etc. If you are really stuck we have some bits of costumes at school and will be happy to help.
Nativity tickets are also available now. Letters to request tickets can be collected from the office. We have 2 perfomances-
Monday 10th December at 10am
Tuesday 11th December at 1.30pm

Reminder, this upcoming Tuesday and Wednesday is parents evening. Please book in at the office if you haven’t booked an appointment online.

On Thursday we were invited over to Oaklands chapel for our RE lesson. We learnt about different prayers and meanings. We discussed different prayers for different times of the day. Thank you to Miss Keogh for having us.

STEM day

What a wonderful Friday we had. In science we have been learning about the properties of materials. We have been testing if materials are waterproof. With our new knowledge of waterproof materials, we designed and created our own boats.

After lunch, we tested our boats to see if they would float. We couldn’t believe how many of our boats did indeed float!

History week

We have absolutely loved our history learning this week. It is so important to remember everyone involved in the war and all that they did for us. We have learnt about the importance of the poppy and created our own poppy wreath. We learnt about the other colours of poppies people wear at this time and what they represent.

We designed our own medals and learnt about why our brave soldiers were given different medals.

We listened to war time music. We talked about how the music made us feel and that the songs were created to make the soldiers feel happy. As we played the music the children had to draw the images in their head the songs made them see.

It has been a really insightful week for the children, learning lots about various aspects of the war. They have really enjoyed it.

Have a lovely and safe weekend,

The Year One team

Welcome back

Another busy week in Year One. Half term seems like a distant memory now!

We have started our new topic of ‘journeys’. We have fantastic texts we will be focusing on and of course the journey Mary and Joseph took to Bethlehem in the run up to Christmas.

This week we had 6 children represent Year One in a football festival. They had a fantastic time and learnt lots of new skills.

Next week is history week throughout the school. In the run up to the 100th anniversary of World War One we have created lots of exciting and age appropriate activities for the children to enjoy. These will be presented to the rest of the school in an assembly on Friday.

If you are enjoying the fireworks this weekend stay safe and have fun!

The Year One team

How to grow a dinosaur…

On Monday we planted our dinosaur seeds. We couldn’t believe how much it had grown over Monday night. Then we saw something poking out of the soil, it looked like a tail!


We have watched it carefully over the week and to our great excitement we have grown our very own dinosaur! We have made him a bed and given him some water and food. We have written instructions so that other children will be able to grow a dinosaur too.

We did have some dinosaur seeds left over- so the children designed their own seed packets and were each given some seeds to grow their very own dinosaur (these are in their book bags).

You have worked so hard over this first term Turtles and Pufferfish- we are very proud of you. Have a lovely and safe break.


What a wonderful way to start the week. Thank you to everyone who was able to join us in worship, it was lovely to see you all. The children did so well remembering their lines and when it was their turn to add to our world we created.
Well done Year One.


Our amazing dinosaur learning continues…

This we week in English we will be starting our new text- HOW TO GROW A DINOSAUR! It is a fantastic book with beautiful illustrations to really hook the children in. Don’t forget to ask your child about their new learning each day.

In maths  we will be learning to add two amounts together. We will be using all of our maths tools to help us, such as beadstrings, numicon, multilink and counters. If you are counting at home, you can use any objects around the house to help e.g raisins, shoes, lego. We encourage children to draw their objects when counting to help them understand that adding is combining.

Reminder- Tuesday 9th October at 10:00 is Year One’s liturgy. Keep an eye on the blog, if you are unable to make it, we shall post some pictures.

Have a lovely week

The year one team