What a busy week!

We have had a busy week this week with lots of new learning and our Liturgy to parents and friends thrown into the mix too!

Thank you so much to all of you who came along to our specail Liturgy, thinking about the theme of remembrance and what the children thought Heaven looked like. It was a very thought provoking event. We hope you enjoyed seeing your child take part.

In maths this week we have continued our learning about counting in 2’s and recording solutions to problems aswell as introduicng the new subject of sharing equally and fairly. What happens when the numbers do not share equally? We used some of the methods we have been using before such as part whole models to show our understanding and had fun sharing with our friends.


In English we have been thinking of adjectives to describe how we and the Penguin were feeling using our ‘Lost and found’ book as a stimulus and looking at ‘ed’ words and their use to help us describe things that have happened in the past. Next week we will start to devise our own stories using new characters which we will ultimatley record as short video stories.

We look forward to seeing you all at parents evening the week after next. Please ensure you have signed up!

The year 1 team


Our new topic this half term is Journeys. In English we have begun to discover the journey taken by a little boy and a penguin. (Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers) The children have had great fun role playing the story using puppets.


We are learning to count in 2’s in maths. We have been grouping objects including socks and shoes into 2’s , then we have counted up to 20. Perhaps your child could find objects in your house that are in 2’s. At the end of next week we will begin to share groups of objects into fair/equal amounts.

Our liturgy will be on Tuesday 12th November in our hall at 10:30.
Parents Evening 26th and 27th November ; slots are now available to book on Scopay.

We hope that you have a lovely weekend
Year 1 Team

How do we know that dinosaurs ever existed?

Last week we were thinking about dinosaurs and the traces they have left behind that enable us to learn about their lives and times. We made a timeline to set their existence in context and thought about what might have been on earth at the time of the dinosaurs. Did they have mobile phones and cars?!

In maths we have been using a range of models, images and tools to partition numbers up to 10 and this week are looking at subtraction: recording solutions to problems using number lines and part whole models among other things.

Today we have talked about how to be safe online. Please talk to your child about this as this subject is increasingly important as the children have more access to tablets etc in their homes.

Please find attached a list of suggested books for year 1 from the library service. There are some interesting ideas of books that we are sure your child would love! Remember that your local library will be able to get any of these for you.

SLS 2019-20 Recommended Reads Year 1 Booklist

Thank you

The year 1 team

Where did that bone come from?

This week we have been doing some work on dinosaurs: considering if they are alive today, introducing the word ‘extinct’ and thinking about whether there were any people around at the time of the dinosaurs. The children were able to answer and ask lots of interesting questions. The teachers had found bones in their gardens… where had they come from? See if your child can tell you about it!

We have been writing to Harry about how to look after his dinosaurs his week, orally rehearsing the sentence before we write and using our ‘Kung-Fu’ punctuation to remind us about full stops and capital letters. In maths we have been looking at the sequence of numbers as well as one more and one less than a number.

We have started to get the children logged on at school to use their sumdog subscription. Please do take the time to look at this with your child. For those of you who have tried and found some issues with the level of questioning … please try again… we hope that these issues have been resolved!

Have a good weekend

The year 1 team

Poor Harry!

This week we have been busy with Harry and his dinosaurs! We had Harry visit the classroom and tell us how sad he was that he had lost his dinosaurs. We used some special words to describe how he might have felt when he lost his dinosaurs and again when he found them. See if you can use these words at home to help to broaden your child’s vocabulary. Some of them are new to the children.

Upset,distraught,worried ,devastated, lonely

Excited, relieved,thrilled ,overjoyed, delighted.

In our maths work we have been using tools and pictures to help us find out and record what we know about number.

In RE we have been sequencing the Creation story and writing about what we know.

Next week we will be sending home some letters for your children to practise writing. We are now having regular handwriting and fine motor sessions and the sheets we send home will reinforce our learning in school.  In year 1 we will be working hard to ensure that the children are forming their letters correctly and your support at home would be gratefully received!


Remember the INSET day tomorrow Friday 27th September

Thank you

The year 1 team

Harry and his dinosaurs come to visit

We have had a lovely time this week exploring the book Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs. We have been on a hunt for the dinosaurs, writing about where we found them. The children have been doing fabulous job applying their phonics.

We are working hard in our new phonics groups and revising the way that we say the pure sound of the phonemes. Please find below a link to a youtube clip that will remind you and your child how to say them.

We have started talking about the Creation story. We have read the story in the Bible and been on a hunt around the school grounds looking for the things that God made. We also thought about the things that God did not make!

Please keep practising the ‘phonics homework’ outlined on the sheet. Our intention is that the children will be able to apply the key vocabulary in talking about the book as well as be able to read with a developing fluency the texts that they bring home.

Fantastic First Week!

How busy the children have been! We have explored globes, atlases and compasses to explore the places we have visited. The children made maps with different materials and labelled them using their phonic knowledge.

We have enjoyed our first week in our phonics groups. Please keep practising the sounds and books at home and remember to bring them in every day.

We are really looking forward to starting our new dinosaur topic next week!

Sumdogs login codes will be sent home next week so look out for that.

Enjoy your weekend.

Year 1

Such a busy week!

Wow, we have managed to squeeze in so much this week.

Thank you so much to everyone who came and looked at the children’s books after school this week, we hope you enjoyed looking at their amazing work.

Thank you again to everyone who attended our fathers day liturgy. It was lovely to hear how loved and amazing year Ones daddies are. A special thank you to Miss Keogh for helping us.

ANOTHER thank you for all of the kind cake donations for our Year One cake sale today. We will keep you updated on how much we raise- fingers crossed it will be enough to adopt our very own polar bear!

Looking forward to our carnival day tomorrow, we can’t wait to show off our amazing Arctic learning.

Just a reminder- sports day has been provisionally moved to July 1st.

Have a lovely weekend

The Year One team

So much learning!

In science we have been focusing on life cycles of animals and insects. We have been watching our caterpillars transform through their lifecycle. It has been very exciting! Finally they have turned in to beautiful butterflies. We all waved them goodbye as we released them  in to the air.

In History we have been learning about the great fire of London. We received a history box from a museum full of artefacts and dressing up. We learnt so much from all of the amazing things inside.


We have loved celebrating D-day. We have been watching the planes fly over the playground on their way to Portsmouth and watching videos of the red arrows. We have created medals for all of the brave soldiers who fought for us.


Book look- 3pm-4pm Monday 17th/ Tuesday 18th June

Year One Liturgy- Tuesday 18th June at 10:00.

Year One cake sale- Thursday 20th June on the south play ground after school.

Have a lovely weekend

The Year One team

This week in year one we begun our new topic,  London!  We will be learning about London now and in the past. In History we have begun to explore the events of The Great Fire of London. The children have already leant lots of facts and should be able to tell you all about it.

In maths we have been focusing on writing number names and days of the week.  Next week we will be learning about positional language. The children will follow and give instructions using whole, half, quarter and three quarter turns.


Our whole school carnival is on June 21st, Year 1 are focusing on the Arctic. Turtles will be Penguins and Puffer Fish will be Polar Bears. Therefore please can Tutle class dress in black clothing and Puffer Fish in white clothing. Please do not buy anything new, clothing with logo’s on is fine.  Watch out for some parent mails about our upcoming cake sale, which will will be holding to raise money for WWF.

Our next liturgy is on 18th of June at 10am, family and friends are always welcome!

The 17th and 18th June are also opportunities for you to come into school to look at all of the fantastic learning that your child has done over the year.

Thank you

Year 1 Team