What are the year 1 teachers getting up to?

We thought we would tell you a little about what we are all doing at home while we are not all able to go into school. It is a strange tome fro us all but we are making the most of the time with our families and putting off the jobs that need doing!

Mrs Jonas

Thank you so much from all of us for  the lovely messages and videos that we have seen. We have been very relieved to see you happy and busy and learning at home! We miss you all so much….I am enjoying time in the sun in the garden. I have 3 chickens who are providing us with lots of eggs. This week one of them has been escaping all the time from the run! One day I decided to sit and watch her to see how she was getting out. She has been squeezing through a hole in the  fence! I quickly mended the hole but she is very clever and is just chewing through my string and has been escaping regularly to dig up my veg patch! I’ll let you know what happens next week! I am also spending some time making some pots in my garage! Here are my Easter creations! Keep safe . Love Mrs Jonas


Mrs Cass

Hi everyone hope you are all having lots of fun at home. I have seen some great photos of some of the things you have been up to and they look fantastic. I thought I would share with you a few things that I have been doing at home with my two boys. We have made salt dough hand prints for lockdown 2020 and then painted it. We’ve made some pictures and thank you cards for our local nursing home to thank the carers for all their hard work. We also painting some stones in the garden in fun designs and some for the NHS. This was great fun to do. Our favourite thing to do is build secret dens inside or outside. Maybe you could try one of these ideas at home and send us some lovely photos? I have already seen lots of your photos of things you have been up to at home with your families and they look fantastic. Love to you all Mrs Cass.

Mrs Knight

During our time at home I have been having great fun with my children. We made a rollercoaster out of lego! We have also carried out some outdoor science experiments by making a mini pond and seeing what happens when we put mentos into cola (stand right back if you have a go at that!!).

I hope you are all enjoying some fun learning activities at home. We all miss you very much!
Mrs Knight


Mrs Walls

Hello year one

Mrs walls here. I just wanted to say how much I am missing you all. I hope you are all safe and well. I have been busy at home sorting my cupboards and enjoying the sunshine with my three cats Merlin, Willow and Mario although Mario can be very naughty!!
I hope you are enjoying your home learning. I have seen some amazing work on Mrs Pearson’s art blog. Well done all of you !!
Let’s hope we can all be together again soon.
Stay safe
Mrs walls
Mrs Webster

It has been such lovely weather since we have been in lockdown. Even with the sadness of not being abe to do the things we love to do, God has blessed us with such lovely weather! The sun makes me feel warm and happy.

As you know, my son Ralph is in Year 1, so each day we have been busy working on his counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Ralph lined up all his cars and practised writing his numbers and counting his cars in 2s, 5s and 10s. He has so many cars!

Puffer Fish will know how I LOVE to clean and tidy everything, so when I have done all the school work that Mrs Jonas, Mrs Knight and Mrs Layton have set me and have helped Ralph with his learning, I have been cleaning all my cupboards. The problem now Year 1 is that I have nothing left to clean…. Ahhhhhhhh

I’m off to find a new adventure. I wonder what it will be? you will have to wait till next Friday to find out….

Mrs Webster x

Mrs Layton

I am so enjoying seeing the pictures and videos of you at home and seeing some of your wonderful artwork on Mrs Pearson’s blog! We are all missing you and look forward to seeing yo again. Since I saw you last I have been taking my dog for lots of walks and have discovered parts of Waterlooville that I didn’t know existed. I have also been growing seeds for my garden. They have started to shoot up! This weekend I am going to make a bug hotel with my children. I can’t wait to see which bugs move in!

Mrs Layton x

Science family fun!

Friday 17th April 2020

Can you make a fizzy Bottle Rocket? – click on the links below to view a video and download the information sheet and have fun!

Fizzy bottle rockets | The Royal Institution: Science Lives Here



Questions to ask children:

When tablet is put in glass of water: What do you think is in the bubbles?

Where do you think the bubbles are coming from?

What do you think would happen if we used more than one tablet? Why?

What do you think would happen if we used warm water? Why?

Before making rocket:

What do you think will happen if we put some tablets and water in this bottle and close the lid? Why?

What things could we change to make the rocket go higher?

Going further:

Experiment with different sizes of bottle and different combinations of water and tablets to find out what combination gives you the highest flying rocket.

Does it matter how many tablets you use?

What about if you break the tablets into smaller pieces?

How does the temperature of the water affect things?

Have fun as a family experimenting and finding out!

Home learning

Home learning tasks

We hope you are all well and safe at home. Please post any comments to these posts if you have any suggestions.

Don’t forget to look at Sumdog for maths, reading and spelling challenges which will be updated each week. See also mymaths for maths challenges.

Maths –

Make a balance scale using a hanger and string. You can use buckets or paper plates to put your object on.

Explore the objects in your home.

What is the heaviest thing that you can weigh?

What is the lightest thing?

Can you find objects that weigh the same?

What things weigh the same as..

Use your toys. How many small toys weigh the same as 1 larger toy?

For example 2 plastic cars might weigh the same as 1 metal truck.


**What scales do you have in your house? What are they used to measure?

Could you use them to measure how heavy you are? Explain to your adult why you think that?

**Try using some weighing scales to measure out ingredients to bake something.


Phonics: Log into www.phonicsplay.com and practise one (or more!) of the different ways of making the ‘or’ sound…

or’ (fort), ‘aw’ (saw), ‘au’ (haunt)


Choose a set 1 or set 2 and practise spelling.

Set 1:   was, are, you, my

Set 2:  your, they, today, friend,

How many times can you write them in 1 minute? Set yourself a challenge!!

Try to look at them, cover the word and then write and check. Did you spell it correctly Can you write a sentence containing the word?


Choose a book from the CollinsConnect site.

Answer these questions.

  • What type of book is it?
  • Who might like to read it? Why do you think that?
  • Find 3 new words that you don’t know the meaning of?


In our learning last term we have been thinking about verbs (doing words). When they happen in the past we add –ed endings.

Task 1: Make a list of verbs. Act them out and see if you can get someone in your house to guess your words.

Task 2: These words are in the present (happening now). Write them out so they are in the past.

e.g. walk = walked

smile, help, climb, cook, punish, destroy

Challenge – Add them to a sentence.

Task 3:

Write a sentence about the prince or princess in the pictures above, describing what they are doing. Make sure the sentences are in the past tense.

e.g The brave prince walked towards the fierce dragon.

Try including these words…

jump, walk, dance, climb, ask


This week why not have a think about any trees you can see from your window or in your garden?

What different trees can you see from your window? Can you identify any similarities and differences? Are the leaf shapes the same? Is the bark the same colour? Are there any buds or flowers on the tree? Perhaps you could draw some of the things that are different.

Make some wax crayon or similar rubbings of the bark. This will be a good way to get up close and see the different textures. Can you make a picture/collage of a tree using these rubbings? Perhaps you could do some research to find out why trees have bark? What do you think? We expect you might see some insect on the bark. What are they doing there?

Here is some key ‘tree’ vocabulary to think about.

Bark, root, bud, leaf,flower,trunk, grow, deciduous, evergreen.


Important families who lived in castles would have had a special coat of arms.

A coat of arms is a special shield with pictures or symbols on it.

Here is the coat of arms for Arundel castle.

What can you see on the shield? Why do you think it has been added to the shield?

Design a coat of arms for you and your family?

You could add some of your interests or special features of the landscape or town where you live.




Music- Opening The Carnival of the Animals

This activity can be done on your own or with other members of your family. You may want to find a comfortable place to lie down in.

Close your eyes and listen to this piece of music:


What pictures, patterns or colours come into your head?

Can you draw a picture of what you imagined?

Ask your family to do the same. Talk about and compare what you did. Remember- there is no right or wrong answer.


As part of your RE learning and reflection upon Easter, we would like you to complete ONE of the following activities, in order to develop your knowledge of this special time in the Church calendar…

· Design your own Easter Egg and include as many symbols for new life as you can!

· Create a comic strip cartoon of the key events that took place in the Easter story.

· Draw your own Good Friday crucifix and fill it with prayers for Jesus, as well as those around the world who have been working hard and making sacrifices for the good of others.

· Make a prayer station at home, for moments of peaceful reflection. Choose an Easter prayer as part of your worship, from https://cafod.org.uk/Pray/Prayer-resources/Easter-prayers

· Decorate your own Easter postcard with a Biblical image. Record your own Happy Easter message and spread the Good News to one of your friends!

Art home learning from Mrs Pearson

The title for your art this week is ‘NEW LIFE’.  You can be as creative as you like.  It could be a drawing of yourself as a baby,  a baby animal made out of kitchen roll tubes, a photograph of a tree with buds, an Andy Goldsworthy inspired piece of art made out of natural things in your garden or when you have been on a walk.  Impress me with your creativity!

Please email your artwork to me:


Thank you!

Keep creating and keep safe!

Mrs Pearson

Additional challenges!

Happy end of term!

We hope you have all received our weekly blog about RE and art learning for the next week. Please find below some additional spellings to learn. Perhaps you could look for them in books or ask one of your parents to write some simple sentences containing them for you to practise reading the words in context?

they    one     come     school

Some new challenges have also been set on sumdog. We hope that you are all enjoying using sumdog or if you haven’t yet been on, use this opportunity to get familiar with it. This regular exposure to maths tasks is very valuable and we try to set specific challenges for the children which they can do. Remember that the initial assessment is a bit tricky but once that is done the children will be targeted with specific activities so it is worth sticking with!

We have also received the following from the Hampshire Schools Library Service. The revamped Reading Challenge for these unprecedented times!

Hampshire SLS would like to encourage all pupils to read during this stay at home period. Why not take part in our #ReadAtHome challenge? We are asking pupils to read 6 books (although you can read more if you wish) and submit a short review for each title here.

Once completed pupils can download a certificate, which will be made available shortly!

Have a happy and safe Easter

The year 1 team

Easter learning!

Photo of Soldier Erecting Cross on Easter Sunday in Iraq Goes ...

As part of your RE learning and preparation for Easter, we would like you to focus on Holy Week – this is when Christians reflect on the final week of Jesus’s life. ​Can you complete some of the following activities, to develop your knowledge of this special time in the Liturgical Year?

  • Watch a video of the Easter Story

(You will be able to find some on YouTube)


Or read the Easter story (Luke 24:1-12 and John 20: 1-18)

Key vocabulary– (Easter Sunday, Jesus, sacrifice, cross, Peter, risen from the dead, resurrection)

Draw/paint a picture or write about your favourite part of the Easter Story.

Draw/paint a picture or write about your least favourite part of the Easter Story.Resurrection did not happen, say quarter of Christians - BBC News

  • How did the disciples feel when Jesus had risen from the dead?

Pretend that you are a disciple.

What would you say?

Write some questions.  Don’t forget to start with a question word and finish with a question mark.

Draw happy/sad/confused faces to show how the disciples were feeling.

  • What will your family do to celebrate Easter?

Design an Easter egg.

Make a stained glass window that you might see in a church.

Make an Easter card. Who could you give it to?

Art learning

Make a cross to symbolise Good Friday. It can be done in a variety of way: either by drawing or painting, using pastels, or make a collage cross using a variety of materials. If you prefer, you can go outside and make one using natural materials.

Fancy something different:

Create your own Easter Garden, include a simple cross, cave/tomb, add flowers and/or seeds that will grow over Easter.

Email your art work to Mrs Pearson:


We hope you are all keeping safe and well

The year 1 team

Home learning tasks

We hope you are all well and safe at home. Please post any comments to these posts if you have any suggestions.

Don’t forget to look at Sumdog for maths, reading and spelling challenges which will be updated each week. See also mymaths for maths challenges.

Maths – Exploring coins!

Play shop-   Make labels for objects around your house (up to 20p).

Take turns to be the shop keeper.

How much does it cost to buy 2 things from your shop?

How many ways can you pay for your objects.

The shop is having a sale!  Everything is half price!!

Make new labels. Take turns to be the shopkeeper.


Look at the picture below of the Knight. The story looks to be set in a fantasy world with dragons and castles.

Who do you think the knight is?
Where has he come from?

Why is he here?

Who is in the castle? Is there a princess?

And why is there a dragon there too?

Can you think of some answers to these questions? Perhaps you can make up you own story using this picture as a stimulus? Remember to think of the story structure before you start. What will happen in the beginning, middle and end?


Practise these words.

they, my, some, come

Try to look at them, cover the word and then write and check. Did you spell it correctly Can you write a sentence containing the word?


Have a look in your garden if you have one. Can you identify any features of Spring? What do you notice? Can you see any buds, new shoots or roots? Make a list of the signs of Spring that you can see. Are there any evergreen leaves in your garden? (those that stay all year round?) Those trees that lose their leaves are called deciduous.

If you do not have access to a garden see if you can watch this short film that looks at the signs of Spring you might see.


The music on this clip is by a composer called Vivaldi and is called ‘Spring!’

Can you draw a Spring picture?


Look at Paul Klee’s painting ‘The Castle and the Sun’. Can you see the castle in the picture? What shapes can you see? What do you know about the properties of those shapes? See if you can recreate this picture by cutting coloured paper or paints/crayons/pens.


This week Mrs Pearson would like you to create something with a paper plate.  Please don’t worry if you do not have one at home you can just draw around a plate and then cut it out.

Mrs Pearson would like you to link it to the country that we would be studying next term, so here are some ideas.  However, any creation would be wonderful.

Please email a photo of your artwork  to Mrs Pearson and she will share it on the Art Blog.

Keep creating and keep safe!


Antarctic and Arctic ideas

Image preview

Image preview

Audio books!

It has come to our attention that Amazon today canceled the subscription of books and audio stories for children and students of all ages as long as schools are closed, children everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids.

All stories are free to stream on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet using the following link


Home learning tasks

Home learning tasks

Don’t forget to look at Sumdog for maths, reading and spelling challenges which will be updated each week.

Maths – Exploring coins!

Collect any loose change and empty your piggy banks.

What is the value of each coin?

Can you make 10p using only 1p coins?

Draw around each coin and write a number sentence.

1p+1p+1p+1p+1p+1p+1p+1p+1p+1p =

Can you make 10p using 2p coins? Can you make 10p using 5p coins? Now try making 20p using these coins.

Choose a total and explore different ways of making that amount.


Keep practising your phonics and read your home reading book. Remember to explore the vocabulary and discuss the questions at the back of the book.

Watch this story about a brave knight.


Choose one of these activities

Draw a story mountain or story map to show the events in the book.

Draw a cartoon strip of the main events in the story.

Make a timeline of events from the story.


Can you write your own story about the brave knight?


Practise these words.

no, so, go, said, like, was

Try writing them in the air, on someone’s back, in the sand or bubbles in the bath. Perhaps you could write or say a sentence with each word?


Look outside. What flowers can you see?

Draw a picture of one of the flowers you can see.

Add these labels to your picture:

Stem    Leaf    Petal   Root  

Challenge: What does each part of the flower do?


We are beginning our topic on castles!

Watch this video about a castle.


What are the main features of a castle?

Draw or print a picture of a castle. Add labels to the main features.

Challenge – Why were castles important in the past?



Online reading books

We have subscribed to an online resource of school reading books. We would encourage you to log on and read daily. The resource also has questions about the books for you to answer.


Below is a link to a PDF which you can click on to open. It explains in detail how to log on and access over 250 online books for free.


From the year 1 team