Author Archive: Mrs Luter


Thank you all so much for your most generous donations for CAFOD. We raised about £107 today which means that with the ‘UK AID MATCH’ year 1 alone have raised at least £214.

This afternoon we learned about what CAFOD will do with our money. It will really help the people who live in Myanmar who suffered a terrible cyclone in 2008. We talked to the children about how they could help look after their planet and one of their favourites was to make sure lights, and other electricity that is not being used is switched off.

Almsgiving is one of the things that we can do during Lent to get closer to God. We have also made Lenten promises today and thought about how we can be more like Jesus. After talking about Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday this week we thought it was only right that we shared some pancakes!






Thank you again,

Have a lovely weekend!


Open Here To View Home Learning Pyramid!

Homes Spring 2015

Welcome back!


We hope that you all had a fun filled half term it certainly seems so from the stories that we have heard this week. Rock climbing? Wow! So many of you seem to have experienced this sport this half term.

It seems that the children have returned to school really ready to learn and we have been delighted with all areas of their learning this week already. It is clear that you work so hard at home with your children so thank you and please keep it up. The children are keen to progress in their learning.

This Lent we will be supporting CAFOD as a school and raising money to increase awareness and support for people particularly affected by climate change. We will be thinking about how we can become better at looking after the world that God created. We have taken some really thoughtful ideas from the children today about how they could earn some money to bring to school this Friday. We will then be making our Lenten promises together. We will be thinking about the meaning of Lent and eating some pancakes!

The children suggested that they could raise some money to donate to our pancake event. They thought that they could wash up to earn some money, tidy up, put away shoes and coats, feed animals, polish shoes. Following a whole school collective worship one girl suggested that she could try her mums roast dinner that she usually refuses to eat!

We obviously would like to raise as much as possible for CAFOD and are delighted that the government will match every penny that we raise to donate. An excellent opportunity for some maths learning!

Thank you for all your support, be sure to find some photos here soon!

Shortly to follow – our new context home learning suggestions!

Mrs Luter

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Hurray The Toys Are Back!

Well, didn’t we have a suprise this morning? The alien sent us a letter saying that we could have our toys back! So we left our parachutes for him to collect to give to the toys. They used the parachutes and the cars that we made this week to escape. So this afternoon we planned a party to celebrate.

The children have worked really hard this half term we are proud of all their achievements. We are looking forward to next half term and a new context.

Have a fabulous half term and a well deserved rest!

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Maths Week Fun!

Hello and thank you to all the parents who came to our maths session in school on Tuesday. We hope that you enjoyed finding out a little about what your children are learning in school.

On Monday morning we were entertained by the ‘Equation’ dance group. I am sure the children will show you some of the moves that they learned.

This morning we made 2d shape puzzles for the children to play with their friends. This afternoon we had some fun with fractions and pizzas!


We are looking forward to the ‘Hobgoblin Theatre’ on Friday for more fun learning in maths!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs. Luter and Mrs. Allen



Wow! What a busy week!

We have been busy trying to find out what has happened to our classroom toys! We have not yet had any responses to our ‘missing posters’ but we are very hopeful.

The children are feeling rather upset that they have not seen the toys for some time and are in the middle of writing letters to the alien who we suspect may have taken them!

Thank you to all of the parents that came to our year group liturgy. We were very proud of the children and it was lovely that Father Vitalis could join us.

This Friday the children will be sharing their home learning with a friend from the other class so please ensure that the children have their diaries and adventure books in school.

Please continue to support your children in accessing Bug Club and Abacus. Both continue to make a real impact on the children’s learning and experience in school.

Enjoy the end of the week and have a restful weekend.

Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Luter

Where are our toys?

We arrived at school on Monday to find that our favourite classroom toys had disappeared! We discovered that a spaceship had entered our classroom over the weekend and it is still there if anyone would like to see it! Under the spaceship was a trail of moondust and a book had been left for us.

The book by Mini Grey – Toys in Space – gave us some ideas about what had happened to our toys and now we are on a mission to find them. Look out for our missing posters around school!

Well done to all the children who are now more regularly accessing Abacus and Bug Club. Please continue with this as the impact on learning has been very impressive.

Here’s hoping our toys turn up soon!

Mrs. Luter and Mrs.Allen

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you all, we hope that you had a happy and restful Christmas holiday. The children have told us lots about their special times with you over the the last few days.

The children have brought home their home learning for this half term which is all about toys. And of course Abacus will be updated weekly along with Bug Club. Every Friday the children will be expected to share their home learning with the whole class. Please ensure that the children are organised and that their learning adventure book and their diary is in every Friday. Diaries should be in school every day. Please record any homework that is completed in this diary.

We will be beginning our new topic about toys on Monday 12th of January and are excited about the learning opportunities ahead.

Best wishes,

Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Luter

A Wonderful Christmassy Week!

Mrs. Allen and I would like to congratulate the children on their wonderful nativity this week. We are so proud of them! The children have been learning about Mary and Joseph’s long journey to Bethlehem and the nativity really brought this to life for them. Our nativity was called ‘Are We Nearly There Yet?’ and we can certainly answer ‘yes’ to that question now! One week until the Christmas break when we can really enjoy some family time and preparations for the big day.

Tomorrow we are off to Hilliers in Southampton where the children will be able to see their art work that they created in school. Don’t forget to wrap up warm!

Thank you for encouraging your children to use Abacus at home, it really is making a big difference to the children’s learning in maths. We add new games weekly linked to the children’s learning so please continue to make this a part of your child’s home learning.

Have a wonderful week. Not long to go now!

Mrs. Luter and Mrs. Allen

A wonderful first week of Advent!

At the beginning of this week the whole school walked to the Sacred Heart Church for an Advent service. Every class contributed. Year one shared their ‘journey spirals’ which showed what Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem may have been like. Year one and two joined together to sing ‘Come Worship Him’, a hymn that we know you will all enjoy at our forthcoming Nativity ‘Are We Nearly There Yet?’.

In class we have been thinking about how we can get our hearts ready for the birth of Jesus. We have made our own class wreaths and focussed on the candle of Hope this week. It is so easy to get carried away with the hustle and bustle of Christmas time!

It has become rather chilly this week and the children have begun to learn how to read thermometers which are part of the weather station that we have set up to study throughout the year. I wonder what the weather was like on Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem?

Only two weeks left of this term it hardly seems possible. We hope that your preparations for Christmas are going smoothly.

Mrs.Luter and Mrs.Allen