Author Archive: Mrs Thomas

A Week of sparks and flames!

Another great week in Year 1. We have been using fireworks and Bonfire Night to inspire us in Art, Literacy, Maths, History and Geography as we investigated the origins of Bonfire Night and the children recognised and talked about The Houses of Parliament and who had seen it first hand.

We have also continued to develop our understanding of Traditional Tales through our workshops with The Mayflower Theatre. The children have begun to create a beautiful invitation display which will be exhibited at Hillier Gardens in Romsey during December.

This week our children will be encompassing Remembrance as we explore and develop our understanding of why we wear poppies each year, who we are thinking about and how these thoughts are important in our own spiritual journeys as we share a Remembrance Service together on Tuesday.


Well what a great start to our new context. We are now learning about journeys and using Cinderella to inspire our children as we create art work to be displayed at Hillier Gardens. Today we enjoyed a Drama Workshop from The Mayflower Theatre. We are all fired up and ready to embark on our journey!101_1206

Going on a Bear Hunt!

The children are having great fun acting out, writing about and using adjectives to describe the settings in this book. Their language skills are developing well as they are sequencing and developing their vocabulary. We are trying to remember to use capital letters at the beginning of sentences and full stops at the end as well as finger spaces between words and using our new sounds and high frequency words in our writing. Please continue to use your Home Learning Adventure Books and diaries to practise our sounds and words.


Don’t forget to explore our exciting maths games using the log ins in your diary. This week we have been working on our double numbers and matching objects and pictures to number sentences. The children have enjoyed developing their understanding of these concepts through practical activities.

Teddy bears galore


What a wonderful, fun packed 2 weeks we’ve had! We have used labels and captions, adjectives and sentences to describe our bears. The children investigated our school to find a good picnic spot, made sandwiches and prepared a feast to share with their furry friends! They have used bears to develop counting, adding and subtracting skills and our Home Learning has been spectacular. Bears are really proving to be a motivation for learning in Year 1.

Welcome Back

Welcome back Year 1. We have been hearing all about your holidays and I am pleased to say that the children have settled back into school routines beautifully. We have had our Welcome Meeting this week and we were thrilled to see so many of you there, thank you, as always, for your continuous support as we work together to provide the children with the best learning experiences that we can. We will send home the hand-outs to anyone who was unable to attend and if you have any queries please come and see us.

Next week we will be leading a Liturgy on Creation and would love to share this with any parents or carers who are available. The children will be bringing home invitations and we look forward to seeing some of you there. The Liturgy is on Tuesday 16th September.

The children have been very excited to bring in their teddies as part of our learning context on “Bears”. They have used observational drawing skills to create representations of their bears and next week we will be preparing a Teddy Bears’ Picnic. The children will need to bring their bears to school again on Wednesday 17th and I look forward to sharing news about the teddy bears’ activities with you in our next post.