Author Archive: Miss K Owen

World book day in the snow!

A little snow wouldn’t stop us from coming in to school and dressing up! Fantastic effort Year One, you all look great. We hope you had a wonderful world book day.





Year One liturgy

Well done Year One, your liturgy this Tuesday was absolutely fantastic, we are so proud of you. Your lines were loud and clear, you all knew when it was your turn to speak and when to wait for the actors to get in to position. Actors, you all knew when to come on and the lines you needed to wait for- well done everyone.

Thank you to all family members who attended and were able to worship with us. Please see below some photos if you were unable to attend.


Year One poetry competition

Wow! We are amazed at the amount of children who took part in the Year One poetry competition. We couldn’t believe how many children stood at the front reciting all those very long poems- we are so impressed. Well done to ALL of the children who took part, it was so hard to choose just three of you to go through to the whole school competition.

Congratulations to

        Sophia Martin  Mostyn Mainwaring Julia Tomala

They are through to the next round! We wish them the best of luck!

End of term

We can not believe how quickly this term has gone! Sadly it means the end of our ‘tale to tell’ topic but it does mean the start of a new one- TOYS!

We will be exploring fantastic new texts, for example ‘The way back home’ by Oliver Jeffers. We will also be exploring the world of lego, designing our own mini figures and finding out about the lego factory.

When we come back from half term, we will start off in maths looking at 2d shapes. We will be focusing on the orientation of shapes and exploring if a shape is still a shape even if it isn’t in the traditional format the children are used to seeing.

REMINDER- Tuesday 20th February after half term is our Year One liturgy. It will be held in the school hall at 10:15. All family members are welcome (the children have made invitations) and we have sent home the children’s words they will be saying to practice. If these could be practiced over half term that would be great! If your child does not have words, it means they are an actor. They can give you a sneak peak of the liturgy by showing you their part.

Have a lovely and restful half term everyone,

Year One team

Year One learning

Another busy week in Year One!

We have been getting to grips with days of the week and months of the year this week in maths (sorry if you have heard the songs continuously in your homes- they’ve been stuck in our heads too!) Leading on from this, next week we will be focusing on telling the time. In year One we need to be able to tell the time to the hour and half past the hour. This is something you may want to practice at home. If your child can already tell these times then challenge them with quarter past, quarter to and five minute intervals.

In English, we have started our next fairy tale- little red riding hood. What do our tales have in common so far? A BIG BAD WOLF! Now we have heard from Mrs Phillips in the office that he is not happy about not getting the job at our school. We hope he doesn’t pay us a visit…

In year One we will be holding our year group poetry competition on Thursday 8th February. A first, second and third place will be picked across the year group and will be entered in to the whole school competition. If your child would like to take part, ensure they have learnt their poem off by heart by then and bring in props on this day if needed.

Reminder- On the 20th February at 10:15 it is our liturgy service in the school hall. All family members are welcome to come and worship with us.

Parents evening is the 6th and 7th March- check the newsletter for when online bookings will be available.

What have we been learning?

Well, we are blown away with the learning in Year One this week! They have worked so hard, well done Turtles and Pufferfish you have earnt a well rested weekend.

In maths this week we have introduced a new maths tool – dienes. We have used these to help us count in tens. We have been helping the bakers to solve maths problems- Did you know only ten gingerbread men can fit on to a baking tray?

Next week in maths we will be learning to tell the time. In Year One we need to be able to tell the time to the hour and half past the hour.

In literacy (you may have already seen Mr Cunninghams blog!) we found a letter from the big bad wolf asking for a job at our school! There was no way we were going to let that happen! We decided to write a persuasive letter to Mr Cunningham to explain to him everything we know about the big bad wolf and that we do not think it is a good idea! We hope that is enough to keep the big bad wolf at bay!

In phonics we are focusing on the various spellings of the sound-

ie       i-e      igh

Learning in Year One

This week our topic ‘a tale to tell’ has been linked to our maths and literacy learning.

In literacy we have been reading the ‘true’ story of the three little pigs as told by the wolf himself. Next week we will find a letter from the wolf – addressed to Mr Cunningham! I wonder what it could be about?

In maths we have continued our learning of counting in 2s but through money. We have told the children that if they can count all of the 2ps in the purses then the teachers can take our 2ps to the shops and buy some ingredients to make gingerbread men on Monday morning! Next we will be moving on to counting in 10s using baking trays of gingerbread men (you can only fit ten gingerbread men cutters on one tray)

In phonics this week we have been recapping these sounds-

e-e       ea        ee

Reminder- the poetry competition will be held in Year One the last week before half term. Plenty of time to keep practicing- booklets can be downloaded from parent mail if lost- if not ask the class teachers.

Welcome back

It has been lovely to welcome back all of Year One to a new term. We have started a new topic –


All based on traditional tales. Over the term we will be exploring various traditional tales and the alternative versions- for example the three ninja pigs!

This week we have focused on the tale the three little pigs, we have enjoyed retelling the story. However next week we will be reading the ‘true’ story of the three little pigs…

In maths this week we found out that the pigs materials to build their houses only came in packs of 2! So we had to work out how many packets the pigs would need to buy by counting in 2s.

Next week we will be continuing to count in 2s but using 2p coins to buy ingredients for gingerbread men.

In phonics we have been assessing children on their phase 5 sounds. In our phonics lessons we have been recapping the sounds

 ay        a-e       ai 

these all make the same sound- they are just spelt differently.


Thank you

Thank you to all of our helpers who helped our little Year Ones walk all the way to the church this Tuesday for the advent service. We couldn’t do trips without your support, so thank you.

Reminder- Next week is the big nativity performance! Monday afternoon starting at 1:30 and Tuesday morning starting at 9:30, enquire at the office for any questions about tickets. We are really looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible- if you are unable to attend we will put lots of pictures on here for you to enjoy.

Reminder- Next Friday, 15th December from 3:00 you are invited to drop in to the classroom to read and share the stories the children have been writing this half term.

Have a lovely Christmassy weekend

Year One team


A scientific Friday

What a wonderful Friday it has been in Year One today, full of exciting scientific learning.

First of all we investigated a variety of materials and there properties. Then we investigated which materials would float and which would sink. Once we had found out which materials would float- we made our very own boats! Next week we will be testing our boats to see if they will float.

Next week is a busy week in Year One, we have our annual advent service at Sacred Heart Church on Tuesday. If you have replied to the green letter to say that you are able to walk with us and you have a DBS check with the school then we would like your help please. With our children being the younger members of the school we need as much help as possible- so if you have replied with the green form please come to Year One from 8:50 signing in through the office. Thank you!

We also have our dress rehearsal to the school next Friday. Please can the children’s costumes be brought in next week in a named carrier bag ready for this and the performances the week after.

The letter for tickets for the nativity  was sent out a couple of weeks ago. If you still need a letter they are in the school office. If you have any other enquires about tickets please ask at the school office too as they are organising the issuing of tickets.

Have a wonderful and restful weekend- wrap up warm!

The Year One team