Turtle Class Assembly

Well done Turtles! What an amazing assembly! There were all sorts of different animals – reptiles, mammals, birds, fish and amphibians. But unfortunately the animals were not very kind to each other! Luckily Barry the Fish with Fingers showed the animals that our differences are a good thing. Well done again Turtles!101_1239 101_1238 101_1237 101_1236 101_1235 101_1234 101_1233 101_1232


Other news!

Mrs. Allen’s class have been working really hard on measuring this week and will continue their learning next week. They have been learning about St. Peter and how he spread the good news about Jesus’s resurrection. We have also heard all about how Jesus called Himself the ‘Good Shepherd’ and how we can become good shepherds for our friends and families.

Have a lovely extended weekend!

Mrs. Luter

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