Weald and Downland Museum

We had a fabulous day today at the Open Air Museum.

We have learned so much about homes in the past and were rather surprised by some discoveries. No electricity, no toilets and no windows! The Tudors must have been very chilly!

Children be sure to share your learning with your families. Can anyone remember that saying …’night, night, don’t let the…..’ Where does it come from and what does it mean?

Why did the Tudors keep herbs in their beds?

Who stayed at school until they were 13?

How were the houses built?

How were they similar to our homes today?

How were they different?

Which animal helped to make clay bricks for the homes?

What did the Tudors drink?

What else did you learn?

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And now Mrs. Allen’s assembly to look forward to!

Have a great week!

Mrs. Luter and Mrs. Allen

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