Wow! What a busy week!

We have been busy trying to find out what has happened to our classroom toys! We have not yet had any responses to our ‘missing posters’ but we are very hopeful.

The children are feeling rather upset that they have not seen the toys for some time and are in the middle of writing letters to the alien who we suspect may have taken them!

Thank you to all of the parents that came to our year group liturgy. We were very proud of the children and it was lovely that Father Vitalis could join us.

This Friday the children will be sharing their home learning with a friend from the other class so please ensure that the children have their diaries and adventure books in school.

Please continue to support your children in accessing Bug Club and Abacus. Both continue to make a real impact on the children’s learning and experience in school.

Enjoy the end of the week and have a restful weekend.

Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Luter

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