In English this week the children had the opportunity to ask Jack some questions when he came to visit!
A day later we had a note from the giant! He wash shocked that we thought jack was a good boy and wanted to have his say!
The children made puppets in DT, bringing their designs to life!
Next week:
English – Using all the evidence gathered from the Giant and Jack the children will be writing a crime report for a judge. This will help them decide which character is bad and therefore should face a consequence!
Maths – The children are continuing their journey of weighing and finding the difference in weight of two objects. They will be recording this in their book pictorially.
How can you help at home?
As always keep reading at home. The more confident the children come with the book the more fluent they become. Please also practise writing at home and using their sounds, particularly if your child is now learning phase 5 sounds the more exposure they have to words the more confident they will come with selecting the correct sound.
When practising maths at home ensure your child is confident with using the correct lanaguage, such as heavier/lighter, heaviest/lightest. Ensuring they use the correct language will stop misconceptions forming.