It’s all about the money

This week the children have been coins to buy items from our school. We focused on 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p.


Later in the week they used their knowledge of counting in 2s to use 2p coins to solve a problem to help Mrs Cass’ son.

We have been learning about nouns in English and sorted words into nouns and not nouns. The children know that nouns are a naming words and these are for objects, animals, people and places.

We finished the week by focusing on our personal development and how to be better people on the playground, to look out for one another. We made some playground rules and then created posters to put up around the playground to help remind us what is expected when we play together outside.

Next week:

English – We are going to be looking at questions again this week, adding it to our big book. The questions will entice the reader to open the flap in the book to reveal what is underneath!

Maths We are using counting in 10s to solve word problems involving 10p.


How can I support my child at home?

Lots of children are forgetting the basics of writing a sentence, such as full stops and capital letters. Please remind your child to use these when writing at home.

Recap counting in 10s at home, ahead of our learning next week.

Please remember to write in your child’s orange phonics communication book after they have read to you each week. It is an expectation that your child reads a minimum of 3 times a week.

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