Who helps you grow?

We started off the week with children’s mental health week and we learnt about the importance of keeping our minds and emotions healthy. We know it is important to make sure we keep our body healthy by eating veg and exercising, so it’s important we keep our mind healthy too. The children designed a balloon and then wrote the grown ups who help them to grow and who they turn too when they feel a bit upset or worried.

Later in the week it was internet safety day so the children thought about how they could safe online. We were very pleased to see that many children asked their grown up before going online or downloading any new apps or games!

Next week:

Maths – Children will be learning about subtraction. They will subtract a single digit number away from 10. Using the part whole model to work out the answer.

English – Every child will be writing a riddle! They will choose a toy and create their own what am I? by using adjectives to describe the toy they have chosen.


What can I do at home to help my child?

Children have now partitioned numbers from 2-9, so should be confident to find part of these numbers, ask your child to find all the ways to make these numbers.

We have had a look at every child’s phonics this week and have noticed some gaps in some of the children’s leaning. Every child has learnt phase 3 at least 3 times. If your child is still finding these sounds (particularly air, ure, igh, ear, er) please practise them daily. In addition, if your child has started to learn phase 5 sounds please use the sound mat to check their understanding of each sound and talk about words you may find the sounds in.

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