It’s time!

This week the children have started to learn about time. They have been taught how to read and move the clock hands to o’clock and half past.


In English the children looked at adjectives again and came up with their own adjectives to describe a toy. They then had to read their adjectives to friend to see if the friend could guess the toy. This way they were able to tell if their adjectives were good enough!

History this week we looked at sorting past and modern toys. We then explained how we know which toys are from the past or the present. We looked at the materials that they are made from and how the toy moves.

Next week
Maths – We will be looking at mass and weight next week. We start by comparing objects using light and heavy before moving on to ordering which objects are lighter and heavier. Our main exploration will be around whether the smaller objects are always the lightest.

English – Using the adjectives that the children have come up with this week, they will create a poster. The poster will be informing others to look out for the toy Cuddles.

How can I support my child at home?

Many children have started learning a new set of sounds in phonics. It is important that they see these new sounds regularly in order to confidently use them in their reading and writing. Therefore, please help your child to practise them at home.

When looking at an analogue clock ask your child if they can tell you the time. They should be able to identify o’clock and half past.


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