Magnificent microbes

This week the children have been learning about Oscar Romero, and have learnt how to live the Catholic way. We focused on solidarity. We now know that although we all come different places and do not look the same we can still work together to achieve.

The children finished their toy information sheets this week and hope to set up a toy museum in the coming weeks to show off their amazing work to others in the school.

We have been learning to partition numbers in maths, using place value grids. We spent a lot of time on this as it can be a tricky concept to understand. Please continue asking your child how many tens and ones a two digit number has at home to support their development of this skill.

The children ended the week by learning about microbes. They learnt that they are all around us and most are not harmful, however some can make us poorly. We focused on 3 main types of microbes: virus, bacteria, fungi. The children then used modelling dough to create their own microbe!


Next week:

Maths – The children will begin learning about time. They will learn about the minute hand and the hour hand. The children will learn what the clock looks like when it is o’clock.

English – We will start a new toy book this week – toys in space. They will predict what will happen in the story and infer the characters emotions when they are taken.

What can you do to help at home?

Continue to practise two digit numbers with your child at home.

When at home draw attention to clocks that you have in your house. Talk about the difference between digital and analogue clocks.

Keep reading at home. We expect you to read a minimum of 3 times a week. These are 3 separate reading occasions. Please fill in the 3 boxes in your child’s orange phonics communication book.

Please use the tricky word cards at home to remind your child of the tricky words. We are finding many children are struggling to recognise and use tricky words, particularly in their writing!

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