The final week of Autumn 1

What a half term it has been! The children have worked very hard these last 8 weeks and we are keen to see them continue their hard work over the second half of the autumn term.

This week for RE we had a look at the liturgical calendar and coloured it in. Most children were able to recall the colours for the special events of the liturgical calendar.

Some children took part in an inter-sport football competition this week and bought back a medal. Thank you so much for representing Year 1 Norbert, Hollie, Erin, Michael, Melody and Emmanuel.

Today we visited the field to see how it had changed since the last time we saw it. The children loved exploring the field and even watched the builders resurface our school car park!

Home learning 

The children have been given some activities to do over half term. This includes looking at the different types of coins, counting to 20 and some phonics worksheets. All children are to do this learning over half term.

Please check your child’s book bag over half term. Remove any bits of learning or letters that have been the book bag during autumn 1.

After half term:

  • Maths – Shape. We will be looking at 2D shape and using mathematical vocabulary to describe the shapes, such as ‘a circle has no corners (vertices) and has one curved side’.
  • English – Pirates. We will starting a pirate topic and becoming our very own pirates! We will be thinking of questions we may like to ask pirates if we were to ever see one.

We hope you have a lovely half term. We will see you on Monday 1st November.

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