We can’t believe how quickly this week has flown by! And what a week it has been in Year 1… We’ve all caught Dragon Fever! Here are the eggs which Mrs Layton and Mrs Atkins found whilst out on a walk over Easter.
We’ve started to read a new book called Dragon Post by Emma Yartlett as the character Alex finds a dragon and needs to learn how to look after it. He has given us some great hints and tips. We have, however, decided as a year group that it is not kind to keep wild dragons as pets and we have decided to set them free soon after hatching.
In maths, we have been solving problems involving doubling. We found out that double means twice as much. We helped Mrs walls and Mrs Webster with their sweet problem. Mrs Walls had 12 marshmallows on her ice-cream and Mrs Webster wanted double the amount on hers. Thankfully we were able to help Mrs Webster! Next week we will move on to counting in groups of 2.
To finish the week off, we had a visit from our school’s Online Safety Consultant who talked to us about the internet and how to safely use appropriate games and devices in our homes. Please talk to your children about this so that they can share these messages with you.
Enjoy the sunny weekend, everyone!
Team One.