Have a lovely half term!

Well done to all the children for getting to the end of their first half term back in school after a very strange few months. We have been extremely busy with our learning and the children seem to enjoy being back!

In maths this week we have been learning about when we use the words ‘tall/taller/tallest’ and making towers and measuring things to apply our new language.

In English we have been writing about our class mascots using the prepositional language that we learnt last week…. also remembering our punctuation of course! The children wrote some lovely sentences.

This month has been Black History Month and this week we learnt about Claudia Jones who was sent to the UK from the Caribbean in 1955. She didn’t find it easy when she got here and we talked about some of the reasons why that might be. She was instrumental in getting laws changed here in the UK. She also started the Notting Hill Carnival! We made some carnival masks and listened to some steel band music while we worked.

Have a good week one and all. Please keep up with the daily reading if you can.

The year 1 team


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