Mrs Jonas
This week I have been busy making rhubarb and ginger jam. The rhubarb grows in my garden but no one but me likes it in my house so I always have a cupboard full of jam and a freezer full of cooked rhubarb! I have also had to trim the hair around my dog Freddie’s eyes as he could hardly see out! He was not very impressed… ! I am looking forward to a zoom family VE day quiz on Friday when I need to dress up! What shall I wear? We will put up the bunting, playing music from the 1940’s and make a cake to celebrate this special day. What will you be doing to celebrate?
I hope you are all keeping safe. I am really missing you all.
Love Mrs Jonas
Mrs Cass
Hi everyone,
Hope you have had another great week full of fun. Myself and my two boys have been thinking about people who help us this week. My 5 year old made a poster of all the people who help us with a rainbow to say thank you. He also draw a picture of a doctor and wrote “Doctors help you feel better.” Maybe this is something you could try at home. We also made a paper clock and have been learning to tell the time. Another fun activity was to make a healthy meal plate. Hope you are all having lots of fun and home. I’m missing those smiley faces.
Mrs Cass
Mrs Layton
Hello everyone! I hope that you liked our St Peter’s teacher video. We had lots of fun making it. This week I have been busy preparing for VE day. My daughter and I have started to make some bunting which we are going to put up in our garden. We have also made a menu of delicious treats for our garden party. I hope that my jam tarts turn out better than the last time I made them! I am really excited about the seeds that I am growing, they are so big now. I think I need to put them into larger pots this weekend. As well as flowers I am also growing some vegetables. Broad beans, courgettes and tomato plants are all starting to shoot up! Well done everyone for working hard over the past few weeks. I hope that you enjoy celebrating VE day with your families. Take care Mrs Layton xx
Mrs Walls
Hello everyone. I hope you are keeping safe.
I am keeping myself busy at home. I am loving sitting in my garden enjoying the lovely plants and the sun when it shines. I have also given my husband a haircut. He and I were a bit nervous but with the help of my son it all turned out well! Below is a picture of my 2 cats. They don’t usually get on very well but they have made friends during lockdown! I hope this continues when things become a bit more back to normal.
Missing you all lots.
Mrs Walls
Mrs Knight
Hello! How are you all? I hope you are enjoying the learning at home as well as making time to do some activities you really love. This week I have been enjoying doing some artwork with my daughter. Here are two of the pictures we made; my daughter created a colourful turtle while I created a flower using sketching pencils and pastels. I am really enjoying seeing some of your artwork that has been emailed in – keep it up!
Take care and I hope to see you all soon.
Mrs Knight
Mrs Grout
Hello everyone! I hope you are keeping happy and safe. I am
msising you all!
I’ve been planting some pots up in the garden. Also my mum wanted to do some colouring as she’s not able to go out so I’ve made her a colouring book and bought her some pencils! I’m still helping my son with his paper round everyday and have started a 30 yoga course with a YouTube yoga teacher!
Sending happy thoughts
Mrs Grout
Mrs Webster
Year one, my adventures this week have taken me out into the county.
Ralph has been continuing to practice riding his bike on the road. He has to wear high visible jacket and a helmet of course. We went for a 8 mile ride on Monday!
On Wednesday, we learned about Anderson Air Raid shelters. We built ours out of card, glue, green paint and moss we went scavenging for on a walk in the forest.
Today, I am going to make some jam tarts and some finger sandwiches for our VE day lunch . Yummy!
Until out next adventure. Love Mrs Webster