Home learning

Home learning tasks

We hope you are all well and safe at home. Please post any comments to these posts if you have any suggestions.

Don’t forget to look at Sumdog for maths, reading and spelling challenges which will be updated each week. See also mymaths for maths challenges.

Maths –

Make a balance scale using a hanger and string. You can use buckets or paper plates to put your object on.

Explore the objects in your home.

What is the heaviest thing that you can weigh?

What is the lightest thing?

Can you find objects that weigh the same?

What things weigh the same as..

Use your toys. How many small toys weigh the same as 1 larger toy?

For example 2 plastic cars might weigh the same as 1 metal truck.


**What scales do you have in your house? What are they used to measure?

Could you use them to measure how heavy you are? Explain to your adult why you think that?

**Try using some weighing scales to measure out ingredients to bake something.


Phonics: Log into www.phonicsplay.com and practise one (or more!) of the different ways of making the ‘or’ sound…

or’ (fort), ‘aw’ (saw), ‘au’ (haunt)


Choose a set 1 or set 2 and practise spelling.

Set 1:   was, are, you, my

Set 2:  your, they, today, friend,

How many times can you write them in 1 minute? Set yourself a challenge!!

Try to look at them, cover the word and then write and check. Did you spell it correctly Can you write a sentence containing the word?


Choose a book from the CollinsConnect site.

Answer these questions.

  • What type of book is it?
  • Who might like to read it? Why do you think that?
  • Find 3 new words that you don’t know the meaning of?


In our learning last term we have been thinking about verbs (doing words). When they happen in the past we add –ed endings.

Task 1: Make a list of verbs. Act them out and see if you can get someone in your house to guess your words.

Task 2: These words are in the present (happening now). Write them out so they are in the past.

e.g. walk = walked

smile, help, climb, cook, punish, destroy

Challenge – Add them to a sentence.

Task 3:

Write a sentence about the prince or princess in the pictures above, describing what they are doing. Make sure the sentences are in the past tense.

e.g The brave prince walked towards the fierce dragon.

Try including these words…

jump, walk, dance, climb, ask


This week why not have a think about any trees you can see from your window or in your garden?

What different trees can you see from your window? Can you identify any similarities and differences? Are the leaf shapes the same? Is the bark the same colour? Are there any buds or flowers on the tree? Perhaps you could draw some of the things that are different.

Make some wax crayon or similar rubbings of the bark. This will be a good way to get up close and see the different textures. Can you make a picture/collage of a tree using these rubbings? Perhaps you could do some research to find out why trees have bark? What do you think? We expect you might see some insect on the bark. What are they doing there?

Here is some key ‘tree’ vocabulary to think about.

Bark, root, bud, leaf,flower,trunk, grow, deciduous, evergreen.


Important families who lived in castles would have had a special coat of arms.

A coat of arms is a special shield with pictures or symbols on it.

Here is the coat of arms for Arundel castle.

What can you see on the shield? Why do you think it has been added to the shield?

Design a coat of arms for you and your family?

You could add some of your interests or special features of the landscape or town where you live.




Music- Opening The Carnival of the Animals

This activity can be done on your own or with other members of your family. You may want to find a comfortable place to lie down in.

Close your eyes and listen to this piece of music:


What pictures, patterns or colours come into your head?

Can you draw a picture of what you imagined?

Ask your family to do the same. Talk about and compare what you did. Remember- there is no right or wrong answer.


As part of your RE learning and reflection upon Easter, we would like you to complete ONE of the following activities, in order to develop your knowledge of this special time in the Church calendar…

· Design your own Easter Egg and include as many symbols for new life as you can!

· Create a comic strip cartoon of the key events that took place in the Easter story.

· Draw your own Good Friday crucifix and fill it with prayers for Jesus, as well as those around the world who have been working hard and making sacrifices for the good of others.

· Make a prayer station at home, for moments of peaceful reflection. Choose an Easter prayer as part of your worship, from https://cafod.org.uk/Pray/Prayer-resources/Easter-prayers

· Decorate your own Easter postcard with a Biblical image. Record your own Happy Easter message and spread the Good News to one of your friends!

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