How do we know that dinosaurs ever existed?

Last week we were thinking about dinosaurs and the traces they have left behind that enable us to learn about their lives and times. We made a timeline to set their existence in context and thought about what might have been on earth at the time of the dinosaurs. Did they have mobile phones and cars?!

In maths we have been using a range of models, images and tools to partition numbers up to 10 and this week are looking at subtraction: recording solutions to problems using number lines and part whole models among other things.

Today we have talked about how to be safe online. Please talk to your child about this as this subject is increasingly important as the children have more access to tablets etc in their homes.

Please find attached a list of suggested books for year 1 from the library service. There are some interesting ideas of books that we are sure your child would love! Remember that your local library will be able to get any of these for you.

SLS 2019-20 Recommended Reads Year 1 Booklist

Thank you

The year 1 team

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