So much learning!

In science we have been focusing on life cycles of animals and insects. We have been watching our caterpillars transform through their lifecycle. It has been very exciting! Finally they have turned in to beautiful butterflies. We all waved them goodbye as we released them  in to the air.

In History we have been learning about the great fire of London. We received a history box from a museum full of artefacts and dressing up. We learnt so much from all of the amazing things inside.


We have loved celebrating D-day. We have been watching the planes fly over the playground on their way to Portsmouth and watching videos of the red arrows. We have created medals for all of the brave soldiers who fought for us.


Book look- 3pm-4pm Monday 17th/ Tuesday 18th June

Year One Liturgy- Tuesday 18th June at 10:00.

Year One cake sale- Thursday 20th June on the south play ground after school.

Have a lovely weekend

The Year One team

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