Year One learning

Another busy week in Year One!

We have been getting to grips with days of the week and months of the year this week in maths (sorry if you have heard the songs continuously in your homes- they’ve been stuck in our heads too!) Leading on from this, next week we will be focusing on telling the time. In year One we need to be able to tell the time to the hour and half past the hour. This is something you may want to practice at home. If your child can already tell these times then challenge them with quarter past, quarter to and five minute intervals.

In English, we have started our next fairy tale- little red riding hood. What do our tales have in common so far? A BIG BAD WOLF! Now we have heard from Mrs Phillips in the office that he is not happy about not getting the job at our school. We hope he doesn’t pay us a visit…

In year One we will be holding our year group poetry competition on Thursday 8th February. A first, second and third place will be picked across the year group and will be entered in to the whole school competition. If your child would like to take part, ensure they have learnt their poem off by heart by then and bring in props on this day if needed.

Reminder- On the 20th February at 10:15 it is our liturgy service in the school hall. All family members are welcome to come and worship with us.

Parents evening is the 6th and 7th March- check the newsletter for when online bookings will be available.

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