Dinosaur fun

This week we have continued our exciting learning about dinosaurs. The children have begun reading a new book in English- How to grow a dinosaur. Apologies in advance- tomorrow the children will be coming home with packets of dinosaur seeds to grow! This theme will continue in our English next week when the children will begin to learn the skills to write a set of instructions. This weekend with your child you may wish to make something, so that they have the opportunity to hear the words first, then, next, after that and finally.

In maths, we will be moving on to money next week. This is a great chance for the children to play shops at home or even help with the shopping! We will be focusing on recognising coins and understanding the value that each coin has.

During our RE sessions we will be learning about our new topic- Prayers, Saints and Feasts. The first session will be focusing on where and when the children pray.

Have a lovely weekend, enjoy growing your dinosaurs (jelly beans!)

The Year One Team

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