Red hot learning

We are so impressed with the learning Year One continued to do even in the scorching temperatures last week- there was no stopping them! What fantastic learners you are. You deserved those extra long breaks in the shade with plenty of water. Although it is not as sunny as last week, please continue to bring in sunglasses, hats, suncream and especially water bottles in to school.

Tomorrow, Tuesday 26th June is sports day. Children are to come in in their sports wear. The house teams and colours are written on the classroom window if you need to check. Children will need to wear a t-shirt the same colour as their team. Again- please provide appropriate outdoor gear and water bottles. We still have children not bringing them into school- it is much easier for children to get enough to drink throughout the day if they have a water bottle rather than cups of water, thank you.

Another reminder- this Friday 30th June is an inset day, we hope it is nice weather for you all to enjoy a long weekend!

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