What a busy week we have had in Year 1!

This week we have had a fun filled week in Year 1.  We have been writing in our  ‘All About Me’ all about mebooks, what we like about school and our favourite food.  In numeracy we have been learning to count forwards, backwards, more and less.  The children’s confidence is growing daily and it is a joy to see.

Well done for all your home learning.  The children enjoyed sharing what they had learnt with their friends this afternoon.  Please remember that Home Learning Diary’s and their reading books need to be in school every day.

We are beginning our ‘Bear’ topicbear next week so could your child please bring their bear to school for Monday.  We would appreciate it if their bear could stay in school all week so the children can share their learning with their bear.  Thank you!

We have been practising for our liturgy and we  hope you received the invitation from your child.  We will look forward to welcoming you on Tuesday 22nd September at 10.15 in our school hall.

Continue to read as often as you can with your child and to practise their letters and sounds Phase 3, 4 and 5.

Have a super weekend and we will look forward to hearing all about their adventures in their Home Learning Journal’s next Friday.

From the Year 1 Team.

          smiley face