Every drop counts…
The children started the week in our computer suite creating and painting their own landscapes of The Great Fire of London. The children had to overcome many obstacles: how to move the mouse, which button to click on and how to undo a demand! That paired with 27°c heat, the pressure was a bit too much for some! Alas, all children managed to create digital art that they are all proud of.
Capacity Is the word for maths this week! The children have been exploring which container had the biggest capacity. They have also solved problems, such as if I pour 1 litre of water into a different 1 litre container will I still have 1 litre?
For RE we learnt all about the story of The Sinful Woman. We know that it was polite to offer the guests a bowl of water to wash their hands and feet when going to dinner. But Simon did not offer this to Jesus, instead the sinful woman washed Jesus’ feet with her tears. The children imagined they were having dinner with Jesus and washed their feet to start off the learning for RE.
The children then acted out the story, creating a freeze frame.
Moving on up
On Monday and Friday this week the children spent time in their new Year 2 classes. We have heard that they have had lots of fun being Year 2 pupils of St Peter’s school!
This week the children have had a Diwali workshop. They practised some Indian dancing! They had great fun.
The children also used iPads to edit images of the great fire of London for computing this week.
For maths children have been exploring missing number problems and using numicon to help them solve the answer!
London’s burning
This week the children took part in a history deep learning day. They had to order the events of The Great Fire of London in chronological order and then explored why the fire spread so quickly. They then recreated Pudding Lane, building houses from boxes and adding straw for thatched roofs.
The children had a visit from Hampshire fire and rescue service to teach them safety rules when it comes to fire! They learnt a rhyme: Matches and lighters, never touch, they can hurt you very much!
They even had a go at some role play too!
In maths the children have been looking at number bonds and number sentences.
For English this week we have been learning about the suffixes, -ed, -er, -est. The children have been learning how to use them and have begun to have a go at using it in context of our new book ‘The Queens Hat.‘