Monthly Archives: June, 2022

Sports day

Thank you for coming to watch your child partake in sports day. Here are some photos of the day.

1, 2, 100

The children have been busy exploring numbers to 100 this week. They have been exploring how many 10s and how many 1s in each number. They are developing confidence in using dienes.

We have also been matching numerals and number names together up to 20 and then 30 and a real challenge to 100.

The children have been exploring settings in our text driver, Poles Apart. They have had to match adjectives to the settings and have started to think of their own in order to write a setting description for the author Jeanne Willis.


We explored our school environment this week, looking for all the beautiful plants and flowers for science. The children then did observational drawings of what they could see.


KS1 Sports day morning on Monday 20th. All children must come into school wearing suncream, a sun hat and their house colour t-shirt.
All children must have a water bottle.

Carnival of the counties on Friday 24th June. Again please make sure the children come to school with sun cream and a water bottle.

Next week :

English – we are writing a setting description for one of countries the Pilchard-Browns visit.

Maths – We are continuing to look at how to make numbers to 100.

How can I help my child at home?

Practise counting and recognising numbers to 100. Talk about how 34 is made of 3 tens and 4 ones. Can your children tell you how many tens and ones in numbers up to 99?

Continue to listen to your child read. It must be a minimum of 3 times a week and a comment and signature must be in their orange Phonics book Or they will be staying in to read for 5 minutes of their break time. 

Welcome back

Welcome to the final half term in year one!

Children have come back to school and straight into super phonics sessions to prepare them for phonics screening that took place this week. All children tried really hard and their efforts showed.

The children have started a new a English learning journey this week – Poles Apart. In this book the penguins go on an adventure all over the world. We made a story map and re-enacted the story as we told it.

For maths week we have been looking at numbers to 100. We have focused on finding one more and one less than numbers up to 100. Children played lots of games such as greatest to smallest, find the missing number, ordering etc.

We also started learning about The Great Fire of London. The children came up with lots of questions they want to find the answer to, so this is how we kicked off our first session. The children were detectives, looking for the answers to the questions: When, Where and How.

Next week 

Maths – We will continue learning about one more and one less than numbers up to 100.

English – We will be looking at the different counties and coming with adjectives to help describe what they look like.


How can I help my child at home?

For phonics, please ensure that your child is secure in their phase 5 sounds. This will put them in the best position to access learning at the start of Year 2. 

For maths please make sure children  can recognise numbers to 100 and understand the pattern of number such as 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 etc. 

When practising writing at home please encourage your children to write from left to right, on the line, once they have eco e to the end of the line they move on to the next one. All letters should be formed correctly and facing the right way, if your child is still struggling with this then please make handwriting practise a priority.