What’s that Jack?
This week we have started a new English unit – Jack and the Beanstalk!
The children retold the story, using actions and reading our story map to help to retell it accurately.
The children developed their computer skills further this week by using the space bar and the return key on the keyboard to start a new line! The children were really good at helping each other by reminding them what the important buttons were on the key board.
We have moved in to weight for maths. We have reminded ourselves how to use the scales and work out what postition the scales need to be in for something to be lighter or heavier. We have used the sentence stem: _____ is lighter than the _______ OR ________ is heavier than the ______.
Next week:
Topic – Jack and the Beanstalk
Maths – We will all be looking at comparing objects we are weighing. Most of us will be using multilink to explore units of measurement when weighting objects, such as the car is as heavy as 10 multilink cubes. Some of us will be talking about the difference in the weight of objects.
English – We will be collecting evidence on Jack and the Giant from Jack and the beanstalk. We I’ll have the opportunity to ask Jack some questions and explore the language used in the book to help us form an opinion.
How can you help your child at home?
Please keep practising numbers at home. Children need to be confident with numbers up 100 by the end of the school year. Ask your child to find one more and one less any given number.
As we will be using inference skills in English this week, you could practise with some of the books you read at home with your child. See if they can find the message behind the story, what is the author trying to tell you?
We are writing questions, so you could practise talking about what questions are and the children can try writing the down. What internet them? What do they what to find out? REMEMBER to include a question mark at the end of your question!!
This week the children have created their own bug book! 🐛 🕷 🐜
We have reached the end of our English journey and our outcome was to create page from a bug book. The year 1 team are so impressed with what the children have created!
As it was world science week this week the children took part in some scientific exploring. We looked at parts of a tree and sorted them. We sorted them by size, shape, colour, growth.
The children then inspected the parts of the trees very closely and tried to identify what tress they came from. With the help of a tree identification chart they were able to find the correct tree, they drew what they thought it looked like it.
Next week:
English – We are starting a new journey, one with a giant! We will thinking about the characters and their feelings. We be revisiting adding -ed on the end of words.
Maths – We are sticking with coins! We will be using 10ps to buy a variety of objects and solving word problems.
How can you help at home?
Some children are struggling with remembering their capital letters and full stops. When writing at home please remind your child to include these in their writing. This is something we have been working on since Year R, so it is really important they are able to do this by the end of Year 1.
It’s all about the money
This week the children have been coins to buy items from our school. We focused on 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p.
Later in the week they used their knowledge of counting in 2s to use 2p coins to solve a problem to help Mrs Cass’ son.
We have been learning about nouns in English and sorted words into nouns and not nouns. The children know that nouns are a naming words and these are for objects, animals, people and places.
We finished the week by focusing on our personal development and how to be better people on the playground, to look out for one another. We made some playground rules and then created posters to put up around the playground to help remind us what is expected when we play together outside.
Next week:
English – We are going to be looking at questions again this week, adding it to our big book. The questions will entice the reader to open the flap in the book to reveal what is underneath!
Maths – We are using counting in 10s to solve word problems involving 10p.
How can I support my child at home?
Lots of children are forgetting the basics of writing a sentence, such as full stops and capital letters. Please remind your child to use these when writing at home.
Recap counting in 10s at home, ahead of our learning next week.
Please remember to write in your child’s orange phonics communication book after they have read to you each week. It is an expectation that your child reads a minimum of 3 times a week.
Lent us introduce you to…
… Ash Wednesday!
The children celebrated Ash Wednesday in school this week. We had a small worship with Mr Crozier and the children received an ash cross on their foreheads.
Children had a STEM day on Monday where they went on a bug hunt and made food for the birds after finding out that there weren’t many bugs around at this time of year, which is the birds main source of food!
And of course we celebrated world book day on Thursday! We loved seeing all the children dressed up! We had a whole range of characters, Elmer to Willy Wonka to Harry Potter! Here are a few images from the day.
Next Week:
Maths – The children will be continuing their exploration of coins and use them to buy things. They will also have to solve
English – The children will be learning facts about Bugs to write their very own bug book!