What an exciting week Year One have had! On Tuesday we had a drama workshop with Perform. The children had a great time using role play to address a very important topic – how to save our seas. Also on Tuesday, during Topic we used our DT skills to create our own junk model castles. Look at our amazing creations!
In Maths this week, we have been looking at fractions – one half and one quarter. We realised that if dragons are going to share food, it has to be equal, even and fair or the consequences will be huge!
In English, we’ve started looking at a new book called, The Egg by M.P. Robertson. In it, George (the main character) finds a huge golden egg in the chicken coop. When it hatches, he finds that it is a dragon egg and suddenly he becomes its parent and has to teach it dragony things.
Have a great weekend!
Team One.