Friday 28th May 2021
Happy half-term everyone! And at last the sun is shining!
We are really proud of our lovely Year Ones, who wrote a thoughtful poem and later, performed it for Mrs Gray as part of our leaving gift to her. We wish her a happy retirement and thank her for feeding us delicious meals, including our favourite, fish and chips!
Here is some information on how to support your child at home with their phonics.
Videos to demonstrate the mentioned strategies, and more can be found here:
We’re hosting a Phonics Q&A session on Monday 7th June 2021 from 4 – 4:30pm via Teams. The link has been sent by Parent Mail and will appear on our joint Year 1 Teams General page shortly.
Have a wonderful half term everyone! Looking forward to seeing you all again soon!
Team One.
Friday 21st May 2021
Happy Friday, everyone! It’s been a busy week here in Year One. We have solving lots of problems involving halves and quarters of amounts. We have become experts at using bar models and part whole models and have been really developing our ability to justify why we’ve chosen a particular one. Next week we are going to be exploring the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. If you have a chance over the weekend, help your child to spot there shapes in the environment around you.
In English we have brought to a close our topic on Dragons by writing a set of instructions to explain to a dragon trainer how to teach their dragon to fly. We’ve had great fun acting out an instruction text on ‘How to Train your Dragon to Breathe Fire’ and imitating it to create our own masterpieces. Ask your child to see if they can remember and perform this for you. Here is a copy of our Story Map to help you…
Next week will be Mrs Gray’s final week with us at St Peter’s so we will be writing some poems to present to her as a special goodbye from us all in Year One.
We wish you a fabulous weekend. Fingers crossed for some sunny spells!
Team One.
Friday 14th May 2021
What an exciting week Year One have had! On Tuesday we had a drama workshop with Perform. The children had a great time using role play to address a very important topic – how to save our seas. Also on Tuesday, during Topic we used our DT skills to create our own junk model castles. Look at our amazing creations!
In Maths this week, we have been looking at fractions – one half and one quarter. We realised that if dragons are going to share food, it has to be equal, even and fair or the consequences will be huge!
In English, we’ve started looking at a new book called, The Egg by M.P. Robertson. In it, George (the main character) finds a huge golden egg in the chicken coop. When it hatches, he finds that it is a dragon egg and suddenly he becomes its parent and has to teach it dragony things.
Have a great weekend!
Team One.
Friday 7th May 2021
Hi everyone,
This week in Year One we have made a very exciting discovery. After reports from some Year R children that a dragon had been spotted in their playground, Mr Chapman checked the CCTV footage and found that there had been a visitor over the weekend! We wrote to Mr Chapman explaining what had happened and urging him to keep a watchful eye.
In Maths we have been counting in 5s. We have solved problems by drawing groups of five and applying our knowledge of fives to solve them. For example:
Hope you have a good weekend,
Team One.
Friday 23rd April 2021
We can’t believe how quickly this week has flown by! And what a week it has been in Year 1… We’ve all caught Dragon Fever! Here are the eggs which Mrs Layton and Mrs Atkins found whilst out on a walk over Easter.
We’ve started to read a new book called Dragon Post by Emma Yartlett as the character Alex finds a dragon and needs to learn how to look after it. He has given us some great hints and tips. We have, however, decided as a year group that it is not kind to keep wild dragons as pets and we have decided to set them free soon after hatching.
In maths, we have been solving problems involving doubling. We found out that double means twice as much. We helped Mrs walls and Mrs Webster with their sweet problem. Mrs Walls had 12 marshmallows on her ice-cream and Mrs Webster wanted double the amount on hers. Thankfully we were able to help Mrs Webster! Next week we will move on to counting in groups of 2.
To finish the week off, we had a visit from our school’s Online Safety Consultant who talked to us about the internet and how to safely use appropriate games and devices in our homes. Please talk to your children about this so that they can share these messages with you.
Enjoy the sunny weekend, everyone!
Team One.