Friday 26th March 2021

Another week has come to an end! The children have been working very hard this week; we’re seeing concentration and presentation improving all the time. In addition, we’re seeing lots of great teamworking and communication skills. Needless to say, we’re very proud of them!

InĀ  English, we’ve started looking at a new book, ‘The Tortoise and the Hare,’ by Alison Murray – based on the traditional Aesop’s Fables story. We’ve introduced the words, ‘boastful’ and ‘modest’ as our Words of the Week. See if you can use them in conversation this week at home too.

In Maths, we’ve been looking at tricky teens numbers. We’ve been saying them, making them, drawing them and explaining their parts – “one ten and X ones.” On Friday we began looking at addition word problems up to 20. We will continue this into next week and move to subtraction problems also.

As it has been Diversity Week in school this week, we have learnt about Judaism and created prayer mats in our Art lesson.

We hope you all have a wonderful, restful weekend. Enjoy, and see you on Monday!

The Year One team.

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