Friday 19th March 2021

Well done everyone for another successful week!

The children have been very busy learning all about addition and subtraction. We have been trying really hard to work systematically to find all the possible answers to a problem. We have spent the week reminding ourselves about how to use all the different maths equipment that we have in school; numicon, beadstrings, counters and diennes. We have been encouraging the children to think very carefully about their presentation and formation of numbers.

In English we have created the missing pages from our story ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’. The children have painted their own settings using watercolours, generated their own adjectives and written the accompanying sounds and actions. We have been blown away by their creativity and originality.

This Friday we have spent the day learning Geography skills. We have explored which physical and human features can be found in the countryside and which are more likely to be found in towns and cities. We then created 3D maps and some of us got to practice our directional language to navigate around them.

Have a fantastic weekend.


Year 1 Team

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