Friday 26th March 2021
Another week has come to an end! The children have been working very hard this week; we’re seeing concentration and presentation improving all the time. In addition, we’re seeing lots of great teamworking and communication skills. Needless to say, we’re very proud of them!
In English, we’ve started looking at a new book, ‘The Tortoise and the Hare,’ by Alison Murray – based on the traditional Aesop’s Fables story. We’ve introduced the words, ‘boastful’ and ‘modest’ as our Words of the Week. See if you can use them in conversation this week at home too.
In Maths, we’ve been looking at tricky teens numbers. We’ve been saying them, making them, drawing them and explaining their parts – “one ten and X ones.” On Friday we began looking at addition word problems up to 20. We will continue this into next week and move to subtraction problems also.
As it has been Diversity Week in school this week, we have learnt about Judaism and created prayer mats in our Art lesson.
We hope you all have a wonderful, restful weekend. Enjoy, and see you on Monday!
The Year One team.
Friday 19th March 2021
Well done everyone for another successful week!
The children have been very busy learning all about addition and subtraction. We have been trying really hard to work systematically to find all the possible answers to a problem. We have spent the week reminding ourselves about how to use all the different maths equipment that we have in school; numicon, beadstrings, counters and diennes. We have been encouraging the children to think very carefully about their presentation and formation of numbers.
In English we have created the missing pages from our story ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’. The children have painted their own settings using watercolours, generated their own adjectives and written the accompanying sounds and actions. We have been blown away by their creativity and originality.
This Friday we have spent the day learning Geography skills. We have explored which physical and human features can be found in the countryside and which are more likely to be found in towns and cities. We then created 3D maps and some of us got to practice our directional language to navigate around them.
Have a fantastic weekend.
Year 1 Team
Friday 12th March 2021
Welcome back, everyone! It has been so lovely to have you all back with us. We are so thrilled with the positive learning behaviours that each child in Year One has shown over the week.
This week we have been extremely busy learning and performing ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt,’ by Michael Rosen. You can watch his performance which inspired us here… We suddenly realised today that some of the pages are missing from our copy of the book and so next week we will be planning and writing them.
In Maths, we’ve been practising counting all the way up to 100. We’ve used our knowledge of place value to solve tricky missing number problems. Perhaps you can play, ‘I’m thinking of a number…’ with your families. For example, I’m thinking of a number that is greater than twenty but less than thirty. It is even. What could it be? Another great activity to reinforce place value is Snakes and Ladders.
Thank you to those who have brought in their puppet to share with us. We’ve had great fun looking at them in class this week and it was great to feel your support at our Puppet Parades on Monday and Thursday.
Have a wonderful (albeit wet and windy!) weekend. Take care,
Team One.