Home Learning – Monday 8th February 2021

Happy Friday everyone! Are you crossing your fingers and toes for snow this weekend, like us!?

Monday is Safer Internet Day and there is an exciting escape room experience planned for the children in the afternoon via Teams (link in the following document). Computing – Safer Internet Day 2021  Here are some alternative activities for those whom an escape room is not appropriate… KS1 Safer Internet Day Alternative Tasks Please note there will be no class/year group Teams meeting on Monday afternoon. 

Here is next week’s English, Maths and Phonics learning for you to prioritise…

Phonics 080221 



And here are the Foundation subjects for you to have a go at should you be able to…

PE activities at home

RE – Revelations



Have a restful, wrapped-up, wonderful weekend everyone 🙂

Team One.


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