Monthly Archives: November, 2020

A busy week!

This  has been such a busy week for the children in year 1… as well as the teachers! We have had a fun filled time with lots of practical activities.

In English we have continued to explore our pirate theme. We have revisited our core vocabulary that we want the children to use and introduced some ‘ing’ words to describe what their pirates have been doing. We have been doing lots of acting of our simple stories using our new words, making pirate hats and finally putting it all together to write some super sentences using both an adjective and an ‘ing’ word. They all did so well!

In maths we have continued to explore shape but this time solving problems with pattern and halves. How do we know if a shape is in half?  We have explored shape using lolly sticks and by folding paper shapes as well as asking ‘explain your reasoning’ questions.

In science we have been learning about materials. We worked in groups to explore a range of objects. We thought about the materials used to make the objects. We also thought about the properties of the different materials.


In our topic work we have been focusing on geography, this week looking closely at a range of different maps: Polynesian stick maps, maps of the sea bed, geological bedrock maps, town maps and maps that sailors use! We even found our school on a town map! We really had fun exploring the different features we could see and talking about why we would use each map.

Finally, we have had our Liturgy this week which focused on our ideas of what Heaven is like. Mr Cunningham, Mrs Knight and Miss Chapman came to listen to us. We particularly enjoyed performing to the other class! We all shared prayers together to think about those who we know who are in Heaven.

The Pirates have come!

Welcome back after half term. It may be lockdown in the wider world but our learning continues at St Peters!

We have been doing lots of lovely work about pirates this week to support our new book of ‘ The Night Pirates.’ The children found a message in a bottle of Monday from a pirate who seems to think that we have stolen his treasure! We wrote down some questions to ask him and had a visit from Pirate Pete and Pirate Penelope. They were very funny! We have also been learning lots of new words we can use when talking and writing about pirates and we have started to think about how we could make up pirate stories to tell each other.

In maths we have been learning all about the properties of 2D shapes and using the the language we need to to describe them.

Today, Friday, has been the schools History deep learning day. We learnt a little about how Martin Luther King wanted the world to be a fairer and better place. We then went on to think about how schools have changed over time, thinking about disabilities, how and who we can sit next to and who was allowed to learn in schools. The children had some very good ideas. We compared this with the schools of today where differences are celebrated and all children are allowed to learn together. Finally we thought about how we could make the world a fairer place.

We have also been practising our Liturgy. If your child has come home with some words to learn please could you help them to do so. We are so sorry that you will not be able to share this with the children but the children will tell you all about it!