Another busy week of learning!

We have been busy being active and practical in all areas of our learning this week. And the weather has been kind!

In English this week we have been looking at the book ‘Each, Peach, Pear, Plum’. We started by searching for the characters in our outside areas and then thinking of and practising saying sentences to describe where they are. We also enjoyed playing ‘eye spy’. We then spent a session thinking about prepositions to describe where the children placed our class mascots. The children really enjoyed playing with Pufferfish and Timmy the turtle and using full sentences to explain where they were.

In maths we have been learning about measurement of length, teaching and using the language of long, longer, longest, short, shorter and shortest to compare different objects. They measured animal footprints using different tools and used ribbons to make comparisons with things in the environment.

In science we have been using our senses to smell different things. We explored whether or not we could tell what was in the pots just by smelling. We discovered we needed our sense of sight to know for certain.

We have spent some time this week thinking about how to keep safe. We talked about a whole range of different areas such as being near water, hot ovens and how to behave when crossing the road. We also spent some time talking about how to be safe when working on computers / tablets etc at home.The main message was to tell an adult in your house straight away if something you do not expect to see happens while you are using equipment at home. It is so important that we teach good use of ICT at an early age and that they know that you are involved in their online exploration at home.

Have a good weeeknd

The year 1 team

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