A rainy week!

What a wet week we have had in places! It is great that so many of the children can do up their own coats independent. We have been very grateful of this on occasion!

In maths this week we have been introducing the children to the ‘part – whole model’. We have shown them how one ‘whole number’ can be partitioned into 2 parts and then how to record this. We have been using practical resources and recording more formally in their maths books. They have all tried really hard with this!

In English we have been writing descriptions of our animals / dinosaurs to make class alphabet books. We have been using the adjectives / describing words that we learnt last week.

In RE this week we have been learning all about Judaism, specifically focusing on the weekly Shabbat celebrations. The children did some lovely writing about what they had learnt.

October is the month of Mary and so in our daily worship we have been learning the Hail Mary. It would be lovely if you could practise this at home. Our daily worship this week has been recognising that God is in everybody regardless of what they look like or where they come from. It has provoked some interesting conversations.

Have a good weekend !

The year 1 team


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