What we have been learning this week!

Dear parents

We hope that your children are now well settled in their new routines and that they are coming home and telling you all about what we are learning in school.

This week we have been looking at the alphabet and thinking about alphabetical order. We have also been learning about adjectives (words that describe nouns). Next week we are going to make our own  alphabetically  ordered class books using adjectives to describe either an animal (in Puffer fish) or a dinosaur (in Turtles).

In maths we are learning the concept of ‘whole’ and ‘part’ and recording our findings using pictoral representations.

This week at school has been anti bullying week. We have talked as a  class about what bullying means.

Well done to everyone who is bringing in their phonics packs everyday. These are essential because we use these everyday in our phonics teaching. There is no need to send back to school any of the homework sheets but the expectation is that the tick sheet for your child’s will be completed at home and returned to school everyday in your child’s pack along with the homework diary.

Have a good weekend

The year 1 team

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