Monthly Archives: October, 2020

Have a lovely half term!

Well done to all the children for getting to the end of their first half term back in school after a very strange few months. We have been extremely busy with our learning and the children seem to enjoy being back!

In maths this week we have been learning about when we use the words ‘tall/taller/tallest’ and making towers and measuring things to apply our new language.

In English we have been writing about our class mascots using the prepositional language that we learnt last week…. also remembering our punctuation of course! The children wrote some lovely sentences.

This month has been Black History Month and this week we learnt about Claudia Jones who was sent to the UK from the Caribbean in 1955. She didn’t find it easy when she got here and we talked about some of the reasons why that might be. She was instrumental in getting laws changed here in the UK. She also started the Notting Hill Carnival! We made some carnival masks and listened to some steel band music while we worked.

Have a good week one and all. Please keep up with the daily reading if you can.

The year 1 team


Another busy week of learning!

We have been busy being active and practical in all areas of our learning this week. And the weather has been kind!

In English this week we have been looking at the book ‘Each, Peach, Pear, Plum’. We started by searching for the characters in our outside areas and then thinking of and practising saying sentences to describe where they are. We also enjoyed playing ‘eye spy’. We then spent a session thinking about prepositions to describe where the children placed our class mascots. The children really enjoyed playing with Pufferfish and Timmy the turtle and using full sentences to explain where they were.

In maths we have been learning about measurement of length, teaching and using the language of long, longer, longest, short, shorter and shortest to compare different objects. They measured animal footprints using different tools and used ribbons to make comparisons with things in the environment.

In science we have been using our senses to smell different things. We explored whether or not we could tell what was in the pots just by smelling. We discovered we needed our sense of sight to know for certain.

We have spent some time this week thinking about how to keep safe. We talked about a whole range of different areas such as being near water, hot ovens and how to behave when crossing the road. We also spent some time talking about how to be safe when working on computers / tablets etc at home.The main message was to tell an adult in your house straight away if something you do not expect to see happens while you are using equipment at home. It is so important that we teach good use of ICT at an early age and that they know that you are involved in their online exploration at home.

Have a good weeeknd

The year 1 team

A rainy week!

What a wet week we have had in places! It is great that so many of the children can do up their own coats independent. We have been very grateful of this on occasion!

In maths this week we have been introducing the children to the ‘part – whole model’. We have shown them how one ‘whole number’ can be partitioned into 2 parts and then how to record this. We have been using practical resources and recording more formally in their maths books. They have all tried really hard with this!

In English we have been writing descriptions of our animals / dinosaurs to make class alphabet books. We have been using the adjectives / describing words that we learnt last week.

In RE this week we have been learning all about Judaism, specifically focusing on the weekly Shabbat celebrations. The children did some lovely writing about what they had learnt.

October is the month of Mary and so in our daily worship we have been learning the Hail Mary. It would be lovely if you could practise this at home. Our daily worship this week has been recognising that God is in everybody regardless of what they look like or where they come from. It has provoked some interesting conversations.

Have a good weekend !

The year 1 team


What we have been learning this week!

Dear parents

We hope that your children are now well settled in their new routines and that they are coming home and telling you all about what we are learning in school.

This week we have been looking at the alphabet and thinking about alphabetical order. We have also been learning about adjectives (words that describe nouns). Next week we are going to make our own  alphabetically  ordered class books using adjectives to describe either an animal (in Puffer fish) or a dinosaur (in Turtles).

In maths we are learning the concept of ‘whole’ and ‘part’ and recording our findings using pictoral representations.

This week at school has been anti bullying week. We have talked as a  class about what bullying means.

Well done to everyone who is bringing in their phonics packs everyday. These are essential because we use these everyday in our phonics teaching. There is no need to send back to school any of the homework sheets but the expectation is that the tick sheet for your child’s will be completed at home and returned to school everyday in your child’s pack along with the homework diary.

Have a good weekend

The year 1 team