
Dear Parents

Welcome to year 1!

It is so nice to welcome you and your children to year 1 after such a long summer for many.

We are really looking forward to getting to know your children and helping them to get going with their learning in year 1.

These last 2 weeks have seen us all getting to know each other!  We have been having our daily phonics sessions (we hope that you have all seen your child’s new book in their book bags) as well as regular maths and English inputs on specific themes to enable the children to be gently moved back into their learning. New books will be issued every Monday along with phonics sheets. These books MUST be returned on Friday to ensure that hey are ready to be reissued on Monday. Please keep the books in your child’s book bags after reading so that we can access them in school.

This week we have been focusing on counting with one to one correspondence as well as more an less on numbers to 20.

In English we have been focusing on some core segmenting and blending skills for reading and writing simple words and playing eye spy using our book ‘Shark in the Park’ as a stimulus.

In RE we started to look at the Creation story and in science we have started our longitudinal study looking at seasonal changes on the school field as well as starting our unit on our bodies.

Please take some time to view the attached year 1 welcome meeting. Please look carefully at the timings for library and PE as these have changed and are different for each year 1 class.

The year 1 team


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