VE day history learning

History VE Day  Home Learning – Friday 1st May 2020

The year 1 weekly home learning is in the post below!


Friday 8th May is VE day celebrations so please take part in this home learning to engage with understanding what it is all about.

Read through the Twinkl PowerPoint and watch this video to learn about what VE day celebration means:

Choose from the activities below:

Activity 1

Design your own medal looking at the attached document for some ideas. You can draw, colour then label it on paper or you could make a medal using different scraps of materials around your home. I don’t mind how you choose to do it just be creative and enjoy engaging in the learning about this celebration.

Activity 2

Imagine you are reporting to the news about this victory. Dress up as a soldier and talk about how you might have felt about this celebration. Express how excited you are and can’t wait to see your families.

Activity 3

Write a postcard to a missing family member telling them about your VE day celebrations. Draw a picture on the other side to show what you did and what you saw.

Activity 4

Make your own radio broadcast to announce Victory in Europe. You could even pretend to be Winston Churchill!

If possible, send photos or videos of your work to myself (Mrs Conlon) via my class email address so they can be put onto the school curriculum blog:

Have lots of fun learning all about this special celebration.

I am looking forward to seeing your great history learning.

Best regards

Mrs Conlon

(History lead teacher)

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