Mrs Jonas
I have been having a busy time over the last couple of weeks in the sun clearing out a big shed in my back garden that was full of lots of things I don’t remember having seen before! We now have a big pile of things that will need to go to the tip at some point! Here is a picture of a mouse nest we found!
We have also been taking the time to eat outside when we can. Here is a picture of a BBQ we had on our fire pit with my older daughter taking care that things don’t burn!
Keep safe and look after each other
Mrs Jonas
Mrs Grout
Hello everyone. I hope you are all well and keeping busy at home.
This week I planted some cucumber seeds, and they’ve started growing. I hope they will give me a good crop later in the summer! On Sunday I took the dog for a walk around the fort on Portsdown Hill. Here is a photo of him on the hill!
From Mrs Grout
Mrs Webster
Hi year one, I write to you this afternoon from the Northern Hemisphere, from a little village in the south of Hampshire, my very sunny back garden. This week I made a sweet shop and used the money to buy and sell sweets.Yum yum…. If you don’t have any real money, you could make some out of paper, by cutting circles and writing the monetary value on them. You could buy and sell your toys, clothes or books with your parents, brothers or sisters.
Ralph has also learned to tie shoelaces. His feet are getting so BIG now that we won’t be able to have Velcro trainers soon. He is really happy to be able to do it now.
Unit our next adventure, I will say bye for now. Mrs Webster x
Mrs Layton
I made the most of the sunny weather during the weekend and went for a really long walk with my family. My daughter and I spotted lots of mini-beasts. We even saw a fox! As we walked we spotted lots of wild Spring flowers and looked for some insect habitats. When we got home we each made some bug hotels for the insects that live in our garden. I wonder which mini-beasts will move into our hotels?
Mrs Walls
Hello year 1
Well where did the sunshine go ? Hope you are all happy and keeping busy. Yesterday was my husband’s birthday and he had a huge chocolate cake and lots of presents . I have been doing lots of reading this week. I have started my second book already. I hope you are enjoying your reading too and look forward to us reading together again soon .